Axcess Rescue Rope Rescue Training

register at RSIAxcessRescue specializes in student focused, needs based rope rescue training they can really use when the time comes to respond. Skills that are needed in the real world to solve even the most complex response needs and provide a strong foundation for critical thinking while on scene. This includes scenario based training, which encourages students to expand their physical and mental limits and meet their capability goals.

Axcess Rescue Rope Rescue

Our training is not for everyone. It is in-depth and challenging. Students are required to meet evaluation parameters individually and as a team. This includes written testing and field skills evaluations on the final day of classes. We encourage you to meet the challenge. We firmly believe we can assist you in achieving the goal of a truly qualified responder and organization.

AxcessRescue provides the learning environment and instruction for students to gain the knowledge, skills and abilities to achieve proficiency toward NFPA 1006 Standard for Professional Rescuer Professional Qualifications, Job Performance Requirements. Additionally, we can assist agencies with meeting the qualifications of NFPA 1670 Standards on Operations and Training for Technical Search and Rescue Incidents.