Project Manager
  • Systems professional with significant experience; computer literate in multiple operating systems and software applications with cutting-edge knowledge of technological changes and their business implications; enthusiastic about applying new technologies, enhancing current technical expertise, and applying transferable skill sets.
  • Enthusiastic, willing to learn, self-starter, eager to meet challenges and quickly assimilate newest and latest technologies, skills, concepts, and ideas.
  • Highly analytical team player with aptitude for quickly scrutinizing environments to identify and prioritize needs/risks and develop solutions.
  • Creative troubleshooter/problem-solver that works hard and loves a challenge.
  • Proven relationship-builder with exceptional interpersonal, communication, and presentation skills.
Last Resume Update November 20, 2014
Address Conyers, Georgia
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Resume File Asia-Towns-resume.docx 24.69 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? No
Years Experience 8

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