Construction Manager
  • 2013 to 2014 Bluestream Professional Services                            Marietta, GA

Construction Manager & Project Management

  • Managed 2 to 4 crews at a time. Each crew having 3 to 5 workers including the
  • Managed civil and tower crews for LTE swap over and New Site Build.
  • Explain RF design sheets, legal documents, collocation applications, zoning ordinances, and engineering drawings
  • Building permits acquisitions and purchasing.
  • Managed ETTIC’s crews for BNSF and Government projects.
  • Managed Fiber Splicing Crew for installation of Fiber in ground.
  • All crews that I managed on NSB, installed all equipment in shelter and the tower.
  • Worked with CDMA, UMTS, CDMA, GSM, and LTE
  • Did complete site walks for closeouts and audits, according to AT&T specs
  • Worked with NSB on Verizon for new fiber and COAX LTE installs.
  • Managed finances, to make sure crews were not going over the set limit for jobs.
  • Managed alarm clearing for UMTS, LTE, and NSB.
  • Traveled extensively to check on crews, bring materials, and do site walks.
  • Daily conference calls with the customer and management, in order to stay up to date on issues that may have arisen.
  • Scheduled and organized crews for all of their work daily and weekly, accordingly.
  • Created trackers to organize jobs and make sure all work was done in according to its priority.
  • Corrected and installed missing equipment personally, to prevent bringing a crew back out to the site.
  • Did outside training to continue, and further my education in communication’s.
  • Installed electrical power wire and all electrical parts in the shelter, outdoor cabinets, and the tower.
  • Created MOPs.
  • Safety audits, as well as PPE audits and checklists.
  • Daily calls with all customers and their project management teams.
  • Daily updates and reports to customers on ongoing projects.
  • Company project management and budgeting.
  • Processing and creating drivers for jobs and customers for billing.
  • Processing and creating change orders and making sure they are done and completed.
  • Daily project updates in SIIM project management program, including financials.
  • Have current Anritsu, PIM, and Comtrain training and certification.
  • OSHA 10 trained and certified, as well as First Aid training.
  • Managed and performed work on Verizon’s new Black LTE project.
  • Managed and performed work on Cspire’s Phase 2 and Phase 3 LTE projects.
  • Designed and managed “build to suite” projects for all major carriers except T-Mobile.
  • Managed budgeting for all projects, employees, and any additional office expenses.
  • Budgeting of material expenses, fuel expenses, per diem, and any associated expenses.
  • Managed Fleetmatics on all crews, trucks, and trailers.
  • Watched Fleetmatics to decrease idling time and to see time spent on sites matching time
  • and attendance.
  • Managed rigging safety and instructed employees of correct ways to perform rigging.
  • Experience in termination of COAX and fiber.


  • 2011 to 2013        Westower Communications                             Richland, MS

Senior Construction Manger

  • Managed 10 to 16 crews at a time. Each crew having 3 to 5 workers including the
  • Managed civil and tower crews for LTE swap over and New Site Build.
  • All crews that I managed on NSB, installed all equipment in shelter and the tower.
  • Worked with UMTS, CDMA, GSM, and LTE
  • Did complete site walks for closeouts and audits, according to AT&T specs.
  • Managed finances, to make sure crews were not going over the set limit for jobs.
  • Managed alarm clearing for UMTS, LTE, and NSB.
  • Traveled extensively to check on crews, bring materials, and do site walks.
  • Daily conference calls with the customer and management, in order to stay up to date on issues that may have arisen.
  • Scheduled and organized crews for all of their work daily and weekly, accordingly.
  • Created trackers to organize jobs and make sure all work was done in according to its priority.
  • Corrected and installed missing equipment personally, to prevent bringing a crew back out to the site.
  • Did outside training to continue, and further my education in communications.
  • Dealt with fiber optic wire and installation of it.
  • Installed electrical power wire and all electrical parts in the shelter, outdoor cabinets, and the tower.
  • Created MOPs.
  • Safety audits.
  • Daily calls with all customers and their project management teams.
  • Daily updates and reports to customers on ongoing projects.
  • Company project management and budgeting.
  • Explain RF design sheets, legal documents, collocation applications, zoning ordinances, and engineering drawings


2009 to  2011                       C-Spire Wireless                                        Ridgeland, MS

Senior Tech Support Engineer & Senior NOCC Engineer.

  • Did extensive sales work on sales floor, and placed orders as needed daily.
  • Daily study of the DMPT in order to hit net daily and monthly goals of no alarms.
  • Performed accounts receivable of customers accounts.
  • Performed daily sales calls and follow ups with accounts.
  • Technical troubleshooting of towers and connection issues.
  • Quality control of alarms on sites and product quality daily.
  • Daily changes of market launches and site launches.
  • Use of my GIS knowledge to help with customer and work with field support and

engineering department daily.

  • Daily follow up on trouble tickets and troubleshooting.
  • Daily work on devices to find out issues that were repeating over and over.
  • Dealings with issues of a site, as well the connection of a device to that site.
  • Going out into the field with technicians to work on and find out what issues that we were having on towers and routers.
  • Worked in call center dealing with technical issues daily for customers.
  • Daily management decisions based on situations that arise to satisfy customer and company needs.
  • Watch and manage all switches to make sure performance was always at is best.
  • Work with all contractors to give support and proper turn down of sites during any type

of work being performed.


2003-2009                              Sherwin Williams                          North MS & Memphis District


  • Daily, weekly, and monthly operations manager responsibilities.
  • Daily time management of employees including manager.
  • Area Sales over all of the Memphis Area and outer areas.
  • Product quality calls of paint and other products after use and installation.
  • Sales calls of at least 30 in house calls.
  • Accounts receivable.
  • Extensive sales calls of at least 70 a week
  • Daily goals of sales and goals such as at least $65.00 worth of products sold with every
  • gallon paint purchase.
  • Daily change of goals due to budget changes every week possibly.
  • Dealt with and resolved customer complaints.
  • Branch manager of floor covering.
  • Flipped a store from $450,000.00 per year to close to $750,000.00 a year in less than 2
  • Reading and filing all reports and batching and making sure all is done daily.
  • Daily checking budget, P/L, and trying to help in the prevention of too much

discounting daily, but making the sale to the customer no matter what.

  • Working to continue my growth in the company to get to higher management positions

in the company.

  • Dealings with 500k plus accounts daily.
  • 3000 Sq. Ft. warehouse with close to $250k worth of inventory that required management and inventory count daily and weekly.
  • Daily check of inventory placement according to substance guidelines and to keep inventory new and old rolled over and current.
  • Daily and weekly check that no product had exceeded its shelf life while being stored.
  • Daily quoting of pricing to grow to new, potential, and old account holders.
  • Extensive work in the field with customers for sales, complaints, and any other need

that was called for in order for them to be 100% satisfied at all times.

  • Daily continuing of my education and knowledge of SW and new products that are

available to offer customers.


  • 2006 to 2008 InTime, Inc.                                       Cleveland, MS

Geolab Manager

  • Daily work with satellite and aerial imagery for referencing, UTM zoning, boundary corrections, and development, and GIS modeling of images
  • Daily management of at least 10 employees in Cleveland, MS
  • Managed up to 24 employees at one time along with 2 satellite offices in Fresno,
  • California and Sydney, Australia. Each office having an additional 6 lab techs that I
  • Wrote chemical prescriptions along with soil and plant sampling on a daily basis.
  • Dealt with time management of schedules of employees under me, and dealt with the operations management of my department also every week and daily.
  • Lab troubleshooting to keep daily goals met of time jobs were complete.
  • Quality control of maps, chemical prescriptions, and product introduction to the market
  • and to investors.
  • Daily flight operations and plans made and ready for the next day at 6:00 A.M.
  • Working with Trimble Ag equipment and various types of farm equipment and spray equipment along with attachments to implements such as seeders for example.
  • Went and performed work, with various farm equipment in the field with our products, along with making equipment compatible with ours also, at least weekly.
  • Daily work with John Deere, Case International, New Holland, Caterpillar, Oliver Implement, and Ford Implement equipment dating from 1940 to present day.
  • Hourly work with ArcGIS, ERDAS, IrfanView, Adobe, and Windows Office programs with imagery and everyday tasking in the office.
  • Worked with daily paperwork and filing that was required or not required for my title.
  • Performed everyday management decisions and tasks that were needed to properly complete tasks that were given and about to be given out.
  • Worked with AOIs, TIF, SID, MXD, SHP, DOC, and XLS files daily
  • Daily work companies such as Helena Chemical, Jimmy Sander, Tri Delta Chemical,
  • and many farms various farms.
  • Worked with citrus, grain, tomatoes, garlic, onion, strawberry, pistachio, peanuts, catfish, crawfish, cotton, timber, and grass farms.
  • Weekly sales of our products to farmers and other various and industries that could use
  •  our products and help.
  • 2003 to 2008 Kappa Sigma                             Delta State University

Executive Council

  • Became a member in 2003
  • Elected as Secretary in Fall 2004
  • Elected as Vice President in Fall 2004
  • Elected President in fall 2005 till 2008 for a second term.
  • Worked to better the Chapter and increase membership numbers.
  • Also worked as the vice president and president of Interfraternial Council.
  • Worked as the president of the Judiciary Council for Interfraternial Council.
Education 1998-2003                            Cleveland High School                            Cleveland, MS

  • Graduated with a Diploma from Cleveland High School.
  • Won 2nd in the VICA competition in Building Trades in 2002.
  • 2003 to 2008             Delta State University                            Cleveland, MS
  • Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies.
  • Major Concentrations are Geospatial Engineering, Risk Management and

Liability, and  Business Management

  • Minor Concentrations in Topography and Cartography.
  • Graduated on May 12, 2008.
Interests Kappa Sigma Fraternity, marathon racing, mountain bike racing, kayaking, golf, baseball, volleyball, tennis, going to the gym, running, agriculture, hunting, fishing, camping, outdoors, environment, cooking, and competing in cooking competitions, DSU SAA organization, Hall of Fame Committee for DSU, and community service and better development programs in the Cleveland area and Memphis area (ex., Habitat for Humanity).
Last Resume Update November 10, 2014
Address Pontotoc, Mississippi
E-mail lock Locked
Phone Number lock Locked
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 6


Delta State University
B of A in Geospatial Engineering, B of A in Business, B of A in Risk Management
Aug 2003 - May 2008

Minor in Cartography and Topography

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