Construction Manager
- 2013 to 2014 Bluestream Professional Services Marietta, GA
Construction Manager & Project Management
- Managed 2 to 4 crews at a time. Each crew having 3 to 5 workers including the
- Managed civil and tower crews for LTE swap over and New Site Build.
- Explain RF design sheets, legal documents, collocation applications, zoning ordinances, and engineering drawings
- Building permits acquisitions and purchasing.
- Managed ETTIC’s crews for BNSF and Government projects.
- Managed Fiber Splicing Crew for installation of Fiber in ground.
- All crews that I managed on NSB, installed all equipment in shelter and the tower.
- Worked with CDMA, UMTS, CDMA, GSM, and LTE
- Did complete site walks for closeouts and audits, according to AT&T specs
- Worked with NSB on Verizon for new fiber and COAX LTE installs.
- Managed finances, to make sure crews were not going over the set limit for jobs.
- Managed alarm clearing for UMTS, LTE, and NSB.
- Traveled extensively to check on crews, bring materials, and do site walks.
- Daily conference calls with the customer and management, in order to stay up to date on issues that may have arisen.
- Scheduled and organized crews for all of their work daily and weekly, accordingly.
- Created trackers to organize jobs and make sure all work was done in according to its priority.
- Corrected and installed missing equipment personally, to prevent bringing a crew back out to the site.
- Did outside training to continue, and further my education in communication’s.
- Installed electrical power wire and all electrical parts in the shelter, outdoor cabinets, and the tower.
- Created MOPs.
- Safety audits, as well as PPE audits and checklists.
- Daily calls with all customers and their project management teams.
- Daily updates and reports to customers on ongoing projects.
- Company project management and budgeting.
- Processing and creating drivers for jobs and customers for billing.
- Processing and creating change orders and making sure they are done and completed.
- Daily project updates in SIIM project management program, including financials.
- Have current Anritsu, PIM, and Comtrain training and certification.
- OSHA 10 trained and certified, as well as First Aid training.
- Managed and performed work on Verizon’s new Black LTE project.
- Managed and performed work on Cspire’s Phase 2 and Phase 3 LTE projects.
- Designed and managed “build to suite” projects for all major carriers except T-Mobile.
- Managed budgeting for all projects, employees, and any additional office expenses.
- Budgeting of material expenses, fuel expenses, per diem, and any associated expenses.
- Managed Fleetmatics on all crews, trucks, and trailers.
- Watched Fleetmatics to decrease idling time and to see time spent on sites matching time
- and attendance.
- Managed rigging safety and instructed employees of correct ways to perform rigging.
- Experience in termination of COAX and fiber.
- 2011 to 2013 Westower Communications Richland, MS
Senior Construction Manger
- Managed 10 to 16 crews at a time. Each crew having 3 to 5 workers including the
- Managed civil and tower crews for LTE swap over and New Site Build.
- All crews that I managed on NSB, installed all equipment in shelter and the tower.
- Worked with UMTS, CDMA, GSM, and LTE
- Did complete site walks for closeouts and audits, according to AT&T specs.
- Managed finances, to make sure crews were not going over the set limit for jobs.
- Managed alarm clearing for UMTS, LTE, and NSB.
- Traveled extensively to check on crews, bring materials, and do site walks.
- Daily conference calls with the customer and management, in order to stay up to date on issues that may have arisen.
- Scheduled and organized crews for all of their work daily and weekly, accordingly.
- Created trackers to organize jobs and make sure all work was done in according to its priority.
- Corrected and installed missing equipment personally, to prevent bringing a crew back out to the site.
- Did outside training to continue, and further my education in communications.
- Dealt with fiber optic wire and installation of it.
- Installed electrical power wire and all electrical parts in the shelter, outdoor cabinets, and the tower.
- Created MOPs.
- Safety audits.
- Daily calls with all customers and their project management teams.
- Daily updates and reports to customers on ongoing projects.
- Company project management and budgeting.
- Explain RF design sheets, legal documents, collocation applications, zoning ordinances, and engineering drawings
2009 to 2011 C-Spire Wireless Ridgeland, MS
Senior Tech Support Engineer & Senior NOCC Engineer.
- Did extensive sales work on sales floor, and placed orders as needed daily.
- Daily study of the DMPT in order to hit net daily and monthly goals of no alarms.
- Performed accounts receivable of customers accounts.
- Performed daily sales calls and follow ups with accounts.
- Technical troubleshooting of towers and connection issues.
- Quality control of alarms on sites and product quality daily.
- Daily changes of market launches and site launches.
- Use of my GIS knowledge to help with customer and work with field support and
engineering department daily.
- Daily follow up on trouble tickets and troubleshooting.
- Daily work on devices to find out issues that were repeating over and over.
- Dealings with issues of a site, as well the connection of a device to that site.
- Going out into the field with technicians to work on and find out what issues that we were having on towers and routers.
- Worked in call center dealing with technical issues daily for customers.
- Daily management decisions based on situations that arise to satisfy customer and company needs.
- Watch and manage all switches to make sure performance was always at is best.
- Work with all contractors to give support and proper turn down of sites during any type
of work being performed.
2003-2009 Sherwin Williams North MS & Memphis District
- Daily, weekly, and monthly operations manager responsibilities.
- Daily time management of employees including manager.
- Area Sales over all of the Memphis Area and outer areas.
- Product quality calls of paint and other products after use and installation.
- Sales calls of at least 30 in house calls.
- Accounts receivable.
- Extensive sales calls of at least 70 a week
- Daily goals of sales and goals such as at least $65.00 worth of products sold with every
- gallon paint purchase.
- Daily change of goals due to budget changes every week possibly.
- Dealt with and resolved customer complaints.
- Branch manager of floor covering.
- Flipped a store from $450,000.00 per year to close to $750,000.00 a year in less than 2
- Reading and filing all reports and batching and making sure all is done daily.
- Daily checking budget, P/L, and trying to help in the prevention of too much
discounting daily, but making the sale to the customer no matter what.
- Working to continue my growth in the company to get to higher management positions
in the company.
- Dealings with 500k plus accounts daily.
- 3000 Sq. Ft. warehouse with close to $250k worth of inventory that required management and inventory count daily and weekly.
- Daily check of inventory placement according to substance guidelines and to keep inventory new and old rolled over and current.
- Daily and weekly check that no product had exceeded its shelf life while being stored.
- Daily quoting of pricing to grow to new, potential, and old account holders.
- Extensive work in the field with customers for sales, complaints, and any other need
that was called for in order for them to be 100% satisfied at all times.
- Daily continuing of my education and knowledge of SW and new products that are
available to offer customers.
- 2006 to 2008 InTime, Inc. Cleveland, MS
Geolab Manager
- Daily work with satellite and aerial imagery for referencing, UTM zoning, boundary corrections, and development, and GIS modeling of images
- Daily management of at least 10 employees in Cleveland, MS
- Managed up to 24 employees at one time along with 2 satellite offices in Fresno,
- California and Sydney, Australia. Each office having an additional 6 lab techs that I
- Wrote chemical prescriptions along with soil and plant sampling on a daily basis.
- Dealt with time management of schedules of employees under me, and dealt with the operations management of my department also every week and daily.
- Lab troubleshooting to keep daily goals met of time jobs were complete.
- Quality control of maps, chemical prescriptions, and product introduction to the market
- and to investors.
- Daily flight operations and plans made and ready for the next day at 6:00 A.M.
- Working with Trimble Ag equipment and various types of farm equipment and spray equipment along with attachments to implements such as seeders for example.
- Went and performed work, with various farm equipment in the field with our products, along with making equipment compatible with ours also, at least weekly.
- Daily work with John Deere, Case International, New Holland, Caterpillar, Oliver Implement, and Ford Implement equipment dating from 1940 to present day.
- Hourly work with ArcGIS, ERDAS, IrfanView, Adobe, and Windows Office programs with imagery and everyday tasking in the office.
- Worked with daily paperwork and filing that was required or not required for my title.
- Performed everyday management decisions and tasks that were needed to properly complete tasks that were given and about to be given out.
- Worked with AOIs, TIF, SID, MXD, SHP, DOC, and XLS files daily
- Daily work companies such as Helena Chemical, Jimmy Sander, Tri Delta Chemical,
- and many farms various farms.
- Worked with citrus, grain, tomatoes, garlic, onion, strawberry, pistachio, peanuts, catfish, crawfish, cotton, timber, and grass farms.
- Weekly sales of our products to farmers and other various and industries that could use
- our products and help.
- 2003 to 2008 Kappa Sigma Delta State University
Executive Council
- Became a member in 2003
- Elected as Secretary in Fall 2004
- Elected as Vice President in Fall 2004
- Elected President in fall 2005 till 2008 for a second term.
- Worked to better the Chapter and increase membership numbers.
- Also worked as the vice president and president of Interfraternial Council.
- Worked as the president of the Judiciary Council for Interfraternial Council.
- Graduated with a Diploma from Cleveland High School.
- Won 2nd in the VICA competition in Building Trades in 2002.
- 2003 to 2008 Delta State University Cleveland, MS
- Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies.
- Major Concentrations are Geospatial Engineering, Risk Management and
Liability, and Business Management
- Minor Concentrations in Topography and Cartography.
- Graduated on May 12, 2008.
Last Resume Update | November 10, 2014 |
Address | Pontotoc, Mississippi |
![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Phone Number | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Spanish Speaking? | No |
Willing to Relocate? | Yes |
Years Experience | 6 |
Delta State University
B of A in Geospatial Engineering, B of A in Business, B of A in Risk Management
B of A in Geospatial Engineering, B of A in Business, B of A in Risk Management
Aug 2003
- May 2008
Minor in Cartography and Topography