Construction Manager / Safety Manager

Edward McKay815 N Waters St. Owosso MI xx@xx.comxx-xxx-xxxx
PROFILE:I have been in the tower business for 16 years now. I started as a top hand then became a foreman. In the last 4 ½ years, I have been an acting Construction Manager. I take pride in my work and am a workaholic. I am willing to go wherever the job requires. I have a wife and children that understand that this is how we make money, so they are very accepting of my time away from the house. I am willing to work in any market that I am needed in.SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS:I am PIM certified, Sweep certified and fiber certified. My first aid and CPR are up to date. I have my OSHA 10 and OSHA 30. I no longer climb, but all my climbing certifications are still valid. I am very familiar with ATT’s and Verizon’s procedures.
I can read blueprints and SOW’s.I have the following Ericsson certs:
TMO L700
Verizon AWS
Verizon Air 21-32 Swap
Cam Tool Training For Suppliers
QA Tool Training
I also have a current US passport and am willing to travel overseas, if needed.
12/14 – 9/15 – Alliance Management Services. My official position was a Virtual Construction Manager. I worked on the T-Mobile project in Kansas City and BAWA. I also worked on the Verizon project in TN/NC market. We worked for Ericsson. I have a good working knowledge of EAMS.
My primary job was to do a virtual audit to ensure a 100% free punch on the tower.
04/13 – 11/14 – Goodman Networks. My official position was Field Tech II. I was responsible for the Point to Point line of site audits for the ATT microwave project in MI and IN. Once that slowed down, I helped out the Howell Construction Manager’s in anything they needed, esp the closeout docs for Crown Castle and ATT.
01/2008 – 04/13 - ASI, Garner NC. My official position was Tower Tech 2, but I was put in the position of a Construction Manager for the last 2 ½ years.
01/1998 – 01/2008 KCI, Washington NC. For my first few years, I was a climber, then I became the 3rd party inspector for ATT. I also was the go to guy for all of the sweeps and PIM’s the company had. I left KCI because they let the safety standards go to make more of a profit. 6 months after I left, they had someone fall off the tower and closed the tower portion of the business.
1987-1994 USMC. Aviation Operations Specialist.
School :Waukegan West High School, Waukegan Ill. Graduated in 87
USMC 87-94 – Aviation Operations Manager
Computer Technologies:I am extremely proficient in any Microsoft product. I type approx. 40 WPM and I dis-assemble then re-assemble computers for fun.
Adam Martin (Alliance Management Services) xxx-xxx-xxxx
Shane McClanahan (Alliance Management Services) xxx-xxx-xxxx
Lauren Williams (Alliance Management Services) xxx-xxx-xxxx
Patrick Canto (Ericsson) xxx-xxx-xxxx

Last Resume Update September 11, 2015
Address Owosso, Michigan
E-mail lock Locked
Phone Number lock Locked
Resume File Edward-McKays-Resume.docx 15.87 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 14


Tower Tech II/Field Service Tech II
Apr 2013 - Nov 2014

I have been in the tower business for 14 years now. I started as a top hand then became a foreman. In the last 4 ½ years, I have been an acting Construction Manager. I take pride in my work and am a workaholic. I am willing to go wherever the job requires. I have a wife and children that understand that this is how we make money, so they are very accepting of my time away from the house.

I am PIM certified, Sweep certified. My first aid and CPR are up to date. I no longer climb, but all my climbing certifications are still valid. I am very familiar with ATT log in and out procedures.

04/13 – 11/14 – Goodman Networks. My official position was Field Tech II. I was responsible for the Point to Point line of site audits for the ATT microwave project in MI and IN. Once that slowed down, I helped out the Howell Construction Manager’s in anything they needed, esp the closeout docs for Crown Castle and ATT.

01/2008 – 04/13 - ASI, Garner NC. My official position was Tower Tech 2, but I was put in the position of a Construction Manager for the last 2 ½ years.

01/2000 – 01/2008 KCI, Washington NC. For my first few years, I was a climber, then I became the 3rd party inspector for ATT. I also was the go to guy for all of the sweeps and PIM’s the company had. I left KCI because they let the safety standards go to make more of a profit. 6 months after I left, they had someone fall off the tower and closed the tower portion of the business.

1987-1994 USMC. Sniper and then Aviation Operations Specialist.

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