Advanced Certified Tower Climber

Comtrain Certified Tower Instructor - 30 years experience as Communications/Electronics Technician working mostly on Shipboard & Government COMMSTA's overseas.

Last Resume Update July 3, 2015
Address Rockmart, georgia
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Resume File 2014-Resume-Ed-Williams-DOD-MIL-exp..doc 50 kB
Spanish Speaking? Yes
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 30


Rome Research Corp
Technical Supervisor
Apr 2009 - Current

Employed as Technical Supervisor for Rome Research Corp overseeing 17 employees at the Saipan/Tinian IBB-HF broadcasting relay site including Radio Australia via Intelsat.
Manages all station activities. Liaison with LAN/WAN Administrator on Hardware/Software issues including Internet and Government email problems. Oversee Facilities maintenance functions including preventive maintenance procedures on Antennas. Establish guidance for employee’s on the maintenance of the Continental 418 HF transmitters, Broadband Air- Mux 400 - Multiplexers / Microwave, 2-way Motorola VHF Radio Mobiles/ repeaters, Satellite Interconnect System/ remote facilities using PLC's, security systems for sites. Manage Security systems on 11 acre US Government including supervising 4 Security guards. Certified by Comtrain as Tower Rescue Climbing Safety Instructor in Atlanta, GA in April , 2014.


Tower Rescue Climing - Advanced/Instructor
Apr 2015 - Jun 2015

Advise Tower Crew in planning maintenance on 6 170 foot Self supporting towers & 11 400 Ft guyed towers on RFA transmitting facilities. Also do Photo ops/Maintenance reports for Washing DC & assist the DC engineering group inspections . Train new personnel on Basic Tower climbing safety & retrain others using Rogliss, Fisk Descenders, etc.

Coosa Valey Technical Institute
Electronics Engineering Technology
Jul 2000 - Dec 2001

2 year ASEE course. Also Completed Correspondence (NRI) course in Microcomputer service.

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