➢ Was responsible for maintaining and updating Back of House computer systems as well as providing store
technical support.

➢ Lead the team through safety, health and corporate inspections successfully.

Software Engineer Intern
Cisco Systems - Richardson, TX - June 2012 to August 2012
Designed a data statistics page for a search query using an HTML and .NET foundation. Page was designed
to graphically display information about queries performed on the project server.

➢ Page was designed to take input from a remote server and input the values into the statistics page. The
information had to be translated and formatted according to company standards.

➢ Restored functionality to and maintained an offsite database server used for various jobs within the
The server operated at 100% throughout the duration of the summer.

Student Administrative Assistant
Prairie View A&M Career Services - Prairie View, TX - August 2011 to May 2012
Assisted with office duties pertaining to resumes and student job placement, by filing and organizing
job offers and posting received by Services on a weekly basis.

➢ Reviewed resumes for students in preparation for job interviews, by allowing them to have their resumes
professionally after the revision process.

➢ Provided technical support to student and staff members on a need basis. Set up and maintained student
computers in the Career Center lab in order to provide sufficient technology resources.

➢ The data was charted using Excel and Access 2003.

Software Engineer Intern
Cisco Systems - Richardson, TX - June 2011 to August 2011
Tested and developed GUI software for Network Automated Storage devices using Java & C#. The device
required daily testing and constant reporting of all information.
➢ Assigned to help in the up keep and security of a corporate network. The network was primarily wireless
required a high level of monitoring and service. The statistics of the network were self gathered though device
usage and log pages.


Bachelors in Management Information Systems
Prairie View A&M - Prairie View, TX


Business Hardware proficient. Intermediate in the Spanish language. MS Office. Information Technology
Research and Support. UBUNTU. OSX. Technical Analyst, Network Device Tester. Windows Proficient, Cisco


Eagle Scout
September 2010
Boy Scouts of America Eagle Scout.


October 2010 to November 2012
National Society of Black Engineers member and E board member.


Was assistant to IT director at Taos High Schoolxxx-xxx-xxxx

Last Resume Update October 14, 2014
Address United States of America
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Resume File Johnathan-Jones.pdf 11.39 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? No

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