Real estate, telecommunication, right-of-way and leasing/marketing executive with over 9 years experience in telecommunication site development, acquisition, entitlement, construction and right-of-way. Proven manager and problem solver in all facets of project/asset management, project deployment and operations and in attaining milestones in project management, development, zoning, leasing, and disposition. Experience in acquiring the most challenging sites as well as micro-wave site selection and development. Experience with LTE and RAN deployment as well as cellular network infrastructure Over 15 years comprehensive experience in site and project entitlement and development.

Skill Highlights

7+ years Telecommunications project management, right-of-way, development, site acquisition, zoning and construction experience

Experience in right-of-way, microwave placement and construction, joint pole agreements, and collocation agreements with Cal Trans, Southern California Edison, SDG&E, AT&T, State Highway Departments, major tower companies, carriers and government agencies

Comprehensive knowledge and accomplishments in multiple areas of real estate, leasing, finance, advisory and development including:

real estate development, finance, entitlement, and law.

Telecommunication project/program management, right-of-way, site development, acquisition, zoning, construction and GSM/UMTS technologies, LTE technologies, T-1 and fiber transport mediums, Wireless cell site power and RF systems and wireless technology core systems..

Demonstrated ; leadership and team manager to bring stakeholder engagements on budget and on time.

Multi-tasking, creative problem solving and analyzing. abilities

15+ years project/asset management, site entitlement, leasing, acquisition, development, marketing and disposition.

Core Accomplishments

Telecommunications Site Development, Project Management and Acquisition

Project Manager responsible for development, site acquisition, leasing, zoning and construction of over 350 telecommunication in Southern California, New Mexico, and Mississippi.

Project Management and Consultant, Site acquisition and development, Los Angeles

March 2011 to Present

Acquisition and Development of two development sites in Los Angeles and Riverside Counties.

Site acquisition and development of three terminals in Los Angeles, New York and Miami for an international Telecom company for service to the Caribbean.

Formation, financing and deployment of a major telecom company in the U.S. and Caribbean.

Project Manager and Consultant, AT&T Bechtel 3G Project, Cerritos, CA.

July 2002 to February 2004

Oversaw Project Management, site development, acquisition, zoning and construction of over 350 telecommunication sites in Southern California.

Expanded consulting for two other firms acquiring 100 sites for Bechtel Corporation

Project Manager, LA Cellular (AT&T), Cerritos, CA (Temporary 1-year)

Oversaw entire development process, site acquisition, zoning FAA/FCC and EH&S compliance and construction of over 120 telecommunication sites.

Developed several sites in Cal Trans right-of-way and joint pole agreements including the “bad lands” area of state Highway 60.

Team Leader and Special Project Manager, Koll Telecommunication, VoiceStream Wireless, (T-Mobile) Albuquerque, New Mexico.(18 months) and El Paso Texas

Originally Team lead for 12 site acquisition professionals then appointed Special Projects Manager for 240 telecommunication sites in Albuquerque, NM and El Paso, TX.

As Special Project Manager, acquired complex sites owned by large corporations, governments agencies and utilities and solved complex transmission issues through the use of microwave installations

Developed first telecommunication sites on Indian Pueblos

Developed first telecommunications sites on highway right-of-way

Negotiated a master collocation agreement between AT&T and T-Mobile (formerly VoiceStream Wireless)

Developed sites with Forest Service, Department of Defense and Top Secret laboratories

Project Management and Site Acquisition, Consultant, Multiple Carriers, Los Angeles, CA. (2.0 years) Worked for Pac-Tel, (Verizon), Cingular, Nextel, Sprint and others as a consultant on over 100 sites throughout Southern California.

Area Manager, SBA Telecommunications, BellSouth, Jackson, Mississippi and Montgomery Alabama (12 months)

Project Manager and director all operations and 22 persons to develop 166 telecommunication sites throughout Mississippi and Alabama.

Directed program management, team management meetings, client engagement and relations, site acquisition, zoning and construction

Project hit all milestones on budget and on time

Site Acquisition Specialist- InfraNext, Salt Lake City, UT- 12 months

Acquired and zoned over 35 wireless telecommunication sites

Real Estate Marketing, leasing and Sales

Oversaw the successful marketing of Cal Fed portfolios consisting of over 3.5 million S.F. of office and industrial space, boosting annual absorption significantly and capturing major tenants in the market.

Contract Negotiations

Negotiated over 5.0 million S.F. of leases during real estate career

Negotiated, reviewed, approved and signed all joint venture partnership agreements, financing and loan agreements, leases/sale contracts, legal, title and escrow, and closing documents for 43 projects (3.0 million S.F.)

Asset/Project Management, Portfolio Management, Development, Acquisition/Disposition

Oversaw and participated in the FDIC OREO asset management and disposition of thousands of properties

As asset manager, boosted annual absorption of the Cal Fed Enterprises, now Citi, 3.0 million S.F. portfolio from 150,000 S.F. to over 900,000 S.F., by redesigning/reconfiguring and repositioning properties, and aggressive marketing

Headed development, entitlement, marketing, leasing of 1.2 million Square feet of office space

Oversaw development of a 3.2 million S.F. office and industrial portfolio located in CA, AZ and NV.

Professional Experience

March 2011 to Present- Consultant Real Estate and Telecommunications, Newport Beach, CA- Telecom consulting on various sites in Los Angles, and Riverside Counties. Formation, financing and deployment of three U.S. terminals servicing the Caribbean for an international telecommunications company.

Identifying, negotiating and developing three telecommunication sites in Los Angles and Riverside County.

Acquisition, negotiation and development of three major terminals in Los Angeles, New York and Mimi for a major telecommunications company.

Consulting on a major real estate portfolio acquisition for Union Bank, Brea, CA.

working as consultant for Union Bank on Santa Barbara Bank & Trust portfolio. Working on formation, business plan, and financing of a telecommunications company in Southern Califorthe United States and in the Caribbean.

Resolution and Receivership Specialist: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Irvine, CA.

March 2010 to March 2011- Resolution and Receivership Specialist, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Asset management of OREO portfolio in Western United States.

Oversaw as an account officer and asset manager the management and disposition of thousands of OREO properties and related FF&E, located throughout the Western United States.

Reviewed 110 sales, performed over 50 custodial transfers and 150 property inspections

Manager of, Corporate Real Estate, Business Development and Recruiter, DPFG, Inc., San Juan Capistrano, CA.

March 2004 to November 2009- Acquired all purchased and leased facilities- asset managed all real estate

Public Financing of real estate infrastructure and redevelopment projects.

Performed all corporate real estate acquisition/disposition nationwide.

Increased revenue by 25% annually by initiating over 100 appointments per year

Telecommunications Development Project Manager and Consultant, AT&T Bechtel 3G Project, Cerritos, CA.

July 2002 to February 2004- Project managed the acquisition and development of over 80 telecommunication sites

Oversaw Project Management, site development, acquisition, zoning and construction.

Expanded consulting for two other firms acquiring 65 sites for Bechtel plus an additional 20 sites for other carriers.

Real Estate and Telecommunications Advisor-Consultant, Los Angeles, CA.

February 1993 to February 1999

Real estate consulting- Pension Fund Advisor and Telecommunication Site Development and right-of way Consultant

Consultant-American Realty Advisors, Glendale, CA. (8 months) Created business and development plan for a complex brown field development site involving a sale to a regional mall developer and football stadium franchisee for the Glaziers Pension Fund.

Project Manager, LA Cellular, now AT&T, Cerritos, CA. (1 year) Project managed site acquisition, zoning and construction of over 80 telecommunication sites throughout Southern California.

Telecommunications Consultant, Multiple Carriers, Los Angeles, CA. (2.0 years) Worked for Pac-Tel, Verizon, Cingular, Sprint consultants on over 100 sites throughout Southern California.

Regional Project Manager, BellSouth Wireless, Jackson, Mississippi. (1 year) Directed a 22 member project team to acquire, lease and zone 66 telecommunication sites throughout Mississippi and 100 sites in Alabama.

Special Project Manager, Koll Telecommunications, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (1.5 years). Directed a 12 member site acquisition team to acquire 240 sites, for VoiceStream Wireless (T-Mobile) then appointed by client as Special Projects Manger to implement the acquisition and development of over 23 challenging sites with Government entities, utility companies and Indian Pueblos.

Acquired and developed all delegated and approved sites

Developed first telecommunication sites on Indian Pueblo land and State Highway right-of-way land.

Negotiated complex national co-location agreement between AT&T and T-Mobile for over 1500 sites.

Vice President, Cal Fed Enterprises/C.F. Management Corp., Inc., Los Angles, CA. (4.5 years) Oversaw developing and marketing of a 3.5 million S.F. portfolio of office, industrial, and retaill projects.

Increased a 3.0 million S.F. portfolio’s absorption from 150,000 S.F. to over 900,000 S.F. per year.

Senior Broker-Grubb & Ellis Commercial Real Estate, Newport Beach, CA. (9 years)

Grubb & Ellis - Office Property Broker of the Year

Education – Awards

University of Oregon, Bachelor of Science, Economics -

Graduate Studies, Economics and Urban Planning, Portland State University

Broker of the Year- Irvine Company

Honor Society President and recipient of Honor Society Scholarship


Last Resume Update October 23, 2014
Address Corona del Mar, California
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Resume File RH-Tel-right-of-way.-5-20-14.doc 61.5 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes

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