Advanced Safety Pros
Phone #: 7755250277
As Advanced Safety Pros Corp, Clifford Wilcox (Servant Consultant, RF Safety Instructor, Senior Instructor for ComTrain, Master Rigging Trainer, Inventor of "QRedentials" (Techno Geek), retired Engineering Contractor & self-proclaimed Serial Entrepreneur) is working closely and passionately with the TOP TIER leaders in the Telecommunications Industry and the great men and women who lead as Tower Safety Professionals, striving to assure that their Companies are aligning them with the cultural change for SAFETY FIRST incorporating these solutions:
- REAL COMPETENCY in Safe Tower Climbing & Transitioning, Practiced & Perfected Tower Rescue Techniques AND Competent Rigging and Ground Rescue Scenarios; not simply another card to photo-copy.
- Securing our Industry Best Practice, customized information retrieval system covering every worker in the field (standardizing workers qualifications/certifications data thru the QRedentials; Quick Response Credentials Solution).
- Assuring that every Employee working at heights be professionally trained and certified BEFORE exposure to such hazards (ASP STRONG).
- Establishing a Safety Director who will confirm that each worker receives the very Best Business Practices being developed for the safety and compliance of the employees exposed to heights, serving this Industry.
We’re still all about “STAY CONNECTED”, but are eagerly embracing the cultural change needed to bring us out from the dark cloud as the “most dangerous job in America”!
Let’s Professionalize Climbers!
Categories list: Education and Training
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1135 Terminal Way Suite 209, Reno, NV 89502, Nevada
1135 Terminal Way Suite 209, Reno, NV 89502, Nevada