Cranesmart Systems
Cranesmart Systems Inc. is located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We have been manufacturing, supplying, and repairing operator aids for over twenty years. This is accomplished from our modern, state-of-the-art production and service facility. All of this comes together to provide fast, efficient, and effective service for all Cranesmart customers.
Cranesmart Systems is the most trusted name in crane safety equipment across the world with in excess of 30,000 systems in operation globally. We were the pioneers of wireless crane safety systems in the construction industry and remain the leaders in the technology available today. Cranesmart systems are regarded as the finest quality crane safety equipment available. Additionally our clients continually remind us that our after-the-sale-service is exceptional. We have a client listing of over 17,000 crane owners and companies globally in our database. Clients include many of the largest crane companies in the world as well as the largest offshore drilling outfits. Many of these companies have standardized their safety equipment, using Cranesmart across the board, operating fleets of hundreds of cranes with our products.
4908 97 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 5S1, Canada