Tower Climber Gear

When you climb towers for a living, you want to know that the equipment that you are using will hold you. You want to know, beyond any doubt, that you are safe. But as we know, all technology eventually reaches a point where it cannot be used any more, and when you are a tower […]

Entry level tower climber jobs

In the recent period tower climbing is getting really popular among workers looking for entry level tower climber jobs and there are many reasons for that. One reason is the advance of technology and the growing number of newly erected cell towers that require maintenance and in some cases repair and installation. Of course, those […]

So you want to be a Tower Climber

Our world is changing so fast. New technology brings so many new fields for interested people who want to experience different jobs. One of the hardest and most unusual jobs in the world is tower climbing. With the increasing use of wireless electronic devices, the need for tower climbers is increasing every day. The job […]

Tower Climber Certification

Before you take a single step off the ground, every tower climber needs to think carefully: are you trained? Because without training in being a tower climber, it can be incredibly dangerous to do this job. Just like any career with a high amount of peril, without the right courses and education you could really […]

Being a Tower Climber

There are few jobs with such terror, adrenaline, and calm thought than being a tower climber. Many people in fact do not actually know what it is, but as soon as they find out about it they are often desperate to join! But being a tower climber means much more than just climbing up and down […]