Wireless over the years. I have been working the Wireless industry since I received my Associates Degree in
Telecommunications/Electronics back in 1986 and 1987, at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College. I have
an Associates degree in Electronics/Telecommunication.
I have been in the Wireless business for 25+ years now and did most of the Performance related issues for
Gogo. I was their hardware and frequency interference Guy, if we have RSSI issues anyplace and it gets out
of the normal NFE's SOW they sent me out to figure out if it was Hardware Azimuth up-tilt or Frequency
related. I have seen most RF signatures on a Spectrum Analyzer, so I am good at Hunting down Interference.
I still have all the screen captures, an even some video's too. Instead of just a screen capture I would do a
video of the issue and send it into the Performance team to look at. This was one of my great idea's as it
showed what it was doing real time and I would narrate it as it was happening, a very good tool to send to the
other parties involved in the situation.
I also used many of the System Performance tools associated with the performance side of the business as
well for troubleshooting purposes.
Everything I did under the Aircell brand I did for Gogo as well, I was actually filling 2 different roles for
them. I was expected to fulfill both roles with good reviews.
Network Field Engineer at TEKsystems contractor for Aircell
November 2007 - June 2009(1 year 8 months)
My responsibilities started at the OMC, which we all had weeks of training to learn and then used Net
Newman , the GUI we used for monitoring all the sites. We watched for issues out in the field, if the NOC
had any questions we answered them. We were to maintain the network at any cost, be in the on-call rotation.
Not afraid to Travel or Fly to your destination every Monday and Fly back home on Thursday or Friday.We
were expected to fix any issues out in the field no matter what it took. We also had Survival Training every
other year. I am a pretty knowledgeable Network Field Engineer, we invented different ways to fly the system
with our own Fly Test Equipment, our people plotted out the test bed area's and we flew them till they worked
right and then Baseline the system. We had state of the art shelters with decent Equipment with Generators,
HVAC's, Camera's, Power plants, Battery Plants, anything to do with Wireless Cellular type Shelters.They
were all Integrated and assigned IP Addresses when we Soft Integrated the sites.
Before that I was in WI. I was also a Field Engineer for Cellular One for 10+ years Maintaining these type of
sites. I also have a solid background in TCP/IP as all the equipment was Integrated into the Cisco Routers
with IP Address SNMP Traps etc.
Network Field Engineer at Solutelia Contractor for T-Mobile
September 2007 - November 2007(3 months)
Adding new 3G network, I was in charge of the 2G sites for them, when the installers and Integrators went to
sites I was the guy who figured out if there where any issues, came up with a solution and sent it to
management. I sweep tested all the lines for T-Mobile. They loved the way I did it and always had there
results by EOB that day.I was asked to stay on another 3 months and possibly go full time, but said no
because I didn't like the New Jersey area very much.
Lead Field Engineer at WAVSYS
August 2006 - September 2007(1 year 2 months)
I was the team lead for the Motorola Packet upgrade project. I worked for Motorola with a Motorola Lead
that was our Supervisor. These were the BTS upgrades for ALLTEL Nationwide. We were switching the
network over from Serial to Packer Data and adding Cisco routers and cabling to the BTS's to accomplish the
upgrade all over the nation. I also did all Cisco Router programming and installed them, upgraded all the
cards to the GLI 3 upgraded card for Packet Data, Cabled the BTS's for the routers,adding Voice channel
cards and 1X Data cards if needed, added more T-1's for the turn-up of their EVDO at that time also. We ran
out of BTS's to upgrade so I went to T-Mobile to do UMTS Upgrades. I was asked to stay another 3 months
or go full time with them but I didn't like the location. Then Aircell came along and I went to them on a
contract to hire bases.
Network Backhaul Specialist/Field Engineer at WAVSYS contractor for Cingular wireless
July 2006 - September 2006(3 months)
I was in charge of making sure all the T-1 were installed tested and ready for the Crews coming behind me to
Install the New UMTS 3G high speed data upgrades. I was laid off first as I was the highest paid Consultant
so I moved on to Solutellia consultant group and they kept me busy for awhile. This was just a filler job
waiting on a better one anyway. I spent my days going to the assigned sites, checking to make sure the
number of T-1's were routed into the site, called the NOC and did end to end testing on the new T-1's, making
up the reports at the end of the day and sending it in to my Supervisor. This was in the Miami area and it was
over 100 degrees every day, so it was a hot, bee infested, time consuming job.
RF Site Coordinator at CH2M HILL Contractor for Cingular Wireless
February 2006 - June 2006(5 months)
I started here on my own as a consultant for Glotel and was one of the RF specialist there, we subbed out to
Ericson and worked for Cingular Wireless in the Dallas test market. This was the first UMTS installed and
they wanted to do it by their Corporate offices in case it went bad. I watched over several tower Crews and
helped make up the Close-out package's for all their new sites. They liked my work so well they also put me
in charge of repairing any sites that would not work properly after the upgrades and adds to the towers at the
sites. I was in charge of figured out the issues that where present, cleared the repairs thru the proper channels
and finished getting them back on air. I spent many late nights putting together the close-out packages and
getting them submitted and approved by CH2Mhill, Ericsson, and Cingular. This job also taught me the ATT
cable color code as theirs is different then everyone else's. I also learned how to do closeout packages,
red-line sites for the proper equip being installed from the BTS to the antenna's.
This wrapped up and I took a small contract till I could find something else to further my Career.
Field Engineer at Dobson Communications DBA Cellularone
June 1992 - January 2006(13 years 8 months)
I learned most of what I know in the Cellular industry here. I came from a 2-way radio sales and repair shop
before this so I needed a lot of training and got it here. I loved my Job but when ATT came to buy Cellular
One out I decided to test the waters on my own. I put my resume on Career Builders.com and Monster .com
and started getting phone call immediately and took the jobs I liked. I was going to be just a contractor till I
retired, but Aircell then offered me a full time position I couldn't refuse so I went full time with them later on
in my Timeline.
Here I learned how to install Cell sites from scratch, they would set the building and I would take over after
the site equipment was delivered, After a couple of long days I had it ready to go on air and did the
integration of the site as well. I learned how to sweep Lines for problems with Anritsu sweep gear, Learned
Power Systems and Battery Plants and was Certified on Ericsson GSM Equipment. I was also certified on
Ericsson's OMC Procedures and GUI for on-call rotation. I was also Certified on One Point Grounding
Techniques, and had to re-certify for RF Safety every year as well. We started out as analog and it wasn't long
before we upgraded to Nortel TDMA equipment, our first Digital platform. Then we upgraded to Ericsson
GSM later on, they started installing the Wideband UMTS when I left and went out on my own as a
Consultant.I have alot of Integration and troubleshooting experience. If there was a problem no one could
figure out I would take it on and figure it out. That has been the story of my life, if you give me enough time I
can figure out anything. I have many resources to fall back on to accomplish this.
Radio Service Technician at Air Communications of Wisconsin
July 1989 - May 1994(4 years 11 months)
Program 2-way radios and install them. I also installed the electronics and radio's in Fire Trucks and Police
squad cars and worked on Consoles at the area dispatch centers we had contracts for. In 1993 Nextel bought
us out promising to not close down the shop.
I was advanced to the Service Manager role in 1992 and held that position until I left the company. This is
were I had a Supervisor who knew RF very well and he gave me my basics in RF and before long I was there
RF Specialist. I also climbed towers and for them to help install MW Dishes and change out light bulbs on the
20 towers our company owned.
Network Support Technician at New Auburn Telephone CO
September 1987 - May 1989(1 year 9 months)
I worked for the telephone CO. while I was attending WITC getting my Associate of Science degree in
Telecommunications. I helped alot with the Cable Burying and splicing and cleaning contacts in the old
remote switch for the Long Lake area.
Farm hand at Rosenbrook Farms
June 1976 - July 1986(10 years 2 months)
I worked on my family's farm, but as I got older I realized my body wasn't designed to do hard labor. So I
went to school for Electronics, which was always my hobby, and that's where my Wireless life started.
So in Summary I have been working all my life, I have been blessed with good jobs and met a lot of good
people. I love what I do and am very good at it. I am Married and have 4 children and 1 Grandson. My wife's
name is Susan and we have been married now for 32 years. I love to Ice fish and fishing in general and have
some wall mounters at our family Cabin on Round Lake in Wisconsin. I love people and get along with about
anyone, that is one of the reasons my last employer liked me for traveling, and my work ethic since I was born
and raised on our family Farm in Bloomer Wisconsin. I worked long hours, away from home 50 weeks out of
the year, always on time and always where I was suppose to be. I can talk with most Engineers and understand
the issue's or problem. I have talked with many a high profile RF and Performance Engineer from the wireless
industry ( Verizon Wireless AT&T Mobility T-Mobile Sprint, Nextel US Cellular etc.) for interference issues
and have showed them a few things while they did the same for me, its a big industry but people respond in an
emergency to help each other if they could, even if they where competition.
I am looking for a new job right now and would be willing to talk with people on new idea's, avenues and
positions as that interests me very much.
Dale Gilbert Rosenbrook
Anritsu - RF and Microwave interference and Analyzes
Anritsu October 2013
One Point Grounding
September 2005
Many of them
I have a ton of certificates but dont have them anymore, they got lost .
Network Field Engineer
RF Safety gogo
Network Field Engineer
TEKsystems contractor for Aircell
RF Safety Aircell
Field Engineer
Dobson Communications DBA Cellularone
RF Safety Cell one
Volunteer Experience
Advisory Board at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College
February 1998 - January 2006(8 years)
We where the ones that reviewed the classes and made the decisions on what the technical School would have
for classes the following year, the turn out for the classes and how they were being excepted in the work
market.and how well the placement was for the existing classes.
WITC Board of Directors
Board member
April 1998 to February 2006
I had to quit the board when I started traveling for my carrer path. We made the decisions on what classes the
college offered to its students.
English(Full professional proficiency)
Skills & Expertise
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office
Fiber Optics
Network Optimization
Streets and Trips GPS software
Experienced Traveler
Digital Telephony
Cellular Communications
Performance Testing
Wireless Networking
Fiber Optic Cable
Remote Troubleshooting
Antenna Measurements
Distributed Antenna Systems
Street Atlas GPS Software
Computer Proficiency
Microwave Links
Cisco Routers
Cisco MDS SAN switches
Anritsu Certified
Performance Measurement
Power Plants
Team Management
Vendor Management
Wisconsin Indiainhead Technical College, Rice lake WI
Associate's Degree, Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering, 1985 - 1987
Grade: 3.5
Activities and Societies: Digital Electronics 1 and 2
Electronics 1 and 2
Computer concepts
Computer Skills
Technical Writing
Technical Math
Terminal Equipment
Cable TV
Fiber Optics
Key Systems
Fishing, Hanging out with my friends and Fishing, going to the Family Cabin at the lake and fishing, and Ice
Computers and software
I used to build Desktop computers for a hobby for awhile till they just got to complicated and I was to busy
working and FISHING....
Dale Rosenbrook
Experience Network Field Engineer, Network Field Performance Engineer, Network Field Drive Test
Last Resume Update | December 29, 2014 |
Address | Bloomer |
![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Phone Number | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Resume File | Resume-Linkedin-1.pdf 16.05 kB |
Spanish Speaking? | Never |
Willing to Relocate? | Never |
Years Experience | Never |