Telecom & Tower Climbing Directory

Anchor Guard

Home » Anchor Guard
Phone #: (605) 331-6426
2224 E 39th St N. Sioux Falls, SD 57104-5409, South Dakota

Guyed Towers are an integral part of your company's assets. You have been given the responsibility to ensure that those towers are maintained so they will perform their designed purpose. If your towers are part of a telecommunications network, you cannot afford to have a weak link. If you are involved in providing vertical real estate, you need to have reliable and safe properties available to your clients.

Corrosion of guy anchors can be a serious and costly problem. Replacing them is not cheap. Designing corrosion control for each and every site is also expensive, not to mention time consuming. And, of course, a tower failure can be costly both in terms of money and lives.

AnchorGuard® was designed with the long life and ultimate serviceability of your towers in mind. AnchorGuard is an innovative product that will ensure that the guy anchors are protected against the potentially devastating effects of underground corrosion. It's easy to install and can be used on new or existing towers.

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2224 E 39th St N. Sioux Falls, SD 57104-5409, South Dakota

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