Axcess Rescue
AxcessRescue provides industrial safety and rescue, rope access, competent climber, work at height, and confined space training to those who want to solve operational issues effectively and efficiently with simple rigging solutions in order to perform work or rescue those in need. We firmly believe companies and individuals seek training that is better than what is commonly available.
We provide simple, focused training that fulfills needs without overwhelming students with needless information. Our training is not based on unrealistic what-if scenarios. It is designed to provide the student with the real skills needed to complete the task at hand.
We have changed safety and work at height training by providing courses that present material that is developed with the employer and employees to specifically meet worker needs. Our training is objective based, complete training designed by adult learning professionals.
Our programs are all about students achieving high levels of proficiency in their abilities to safely perform in intense, high-pressure work and rescue environments. We present techniques specifically designed to meet extraordinary situations which give students retainable, simple, realistic solutions to their needs that are adaptable to solve various problems that may arise during work and rescue operations.
20 Orchid Lane Ringgold, GA 30736, Georgia