BirdBusters began nearly 20 years ago in 1985. President Jack Wagner had dealt with problem birds firsthand for many years as the owner of one of the largest roofing companies on the East Coast. He recognized the need for a company that specialized in distributing and developing products to combat the growing number of bird problems that arise as man expanded into the suburbs and took away the birds natural food and shelter resources.
Mr. Wagner has resolved thousands of bird problems across the nation and around the world over the years. He has consulted with architects and restoration groups to select bird control products for historical landmarks such as the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C., and The Parthenon in Nashville, TN, among others. Every day Mr. Wagner helps to solve bird problems for the military, shopping centers, hi-rise buildings, industrial complexes, agriculture, etc. via phone, photos and even on-site if necessary. Long considered an expert in the field, Mr. Wagner has written many expert articles, including the oft-quoted "Pest Control Bird Wars."
Mr. Wagner is a proponent of environmentally-friendly and humane bird control products. He works closely with The Humane Society of the United States as well as The Fund for Animals and other animal-rights organizations to promote humane bird control products, instead of poisons and razor-sharp bird control spikes.
707 S Gulfstream Ave Ste 405 Sarasota, FL, Florida