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Canyon State Wireless, Inc

Home » Canyon State Wireless, Inc
Phone #: 520.458.4772
8 Corral Rd. Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 85635

To provide quality products and services to our customers. To treat our customers and coworkers in a kind and friendly manner. To be a positive influence in the community.

We have established a customer service plan as follows:

Customer Service is a high priority for Canyon State Wireless, and we always try to provide the best service possible. We're adopting a "one and done" philosophy that delivers our services quickly and efficiently. This means we'll try to address all customer issues at the first point of contact.

· The core issues to facilitate a solid customer service program are:

· Hiring, training, and evaluating employees for customer service.

· Making "one and done" interactions part of the way we do business.

· Increasing quality of review.

· Providing cross training for a better base of knowledge among our employees because we should continue to concentrate on finding the "correct result" rather than on "winning."

Improving service by getting everyone involved in customer service decisions so we're all on the same page. We want our leaders "walking the talk" because we know change starts at the top.

By surveying and listening to our customers, we're learning what you want and need.

It will take an ongoing commitment and partnership with our product vendors and suppliers to achieve these goals. We will continue to work with them in resolving customer issues.

If you have comments on how Canyon State Wireless can provide better customer service, please email us at .

Because good customer service is what everyone deserves.

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8 Corral Rd. Sierra Vista, AZ 85635 85635

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