Cue Dee
CUE DEE HAS SINCE 1978 developed technical solutions and innovations for the TELECOM INDUSTRY and since 2001 to the WIND INDUSTRY. In the very beginning the manufacturing was mainly radio amateurs antennas, but later Cue Dee focused more and more on adjustable antenna support structures.
IN 1989 CUE DEE LAUNCHED a new type of antenna support system including the Aluscopic light weight aluminium mast. The Aluscopic mast was designed to carry antennas on top of roofs and was immediate a great success because of its weight, size and strength was optimized for the new type of mobile networks GSM.
SINCE THE START IN 2001, when the first Aluscopic mast was delivered for wind measurement application, Cue Dee has been a
market leader and developed a complete range of masts and accessories quality designed to be the best choice for the wind industry.
CUE DEE HAS TO DATE delivered masts for wind applications to the toughest and highest projects. And with a mast height of up to 200 m we believe we have some kind of a record. In other words; a true champion.
QUALITY DESIGN IS AND HAS always been a key word within Cue Dee , to optimize the design due to material, strength, weight, function and logistics is for us a matter of pride.
This has been proven both by the many international patents we have achieved and also by the number of global leading telecom companies that we can count as our customers today.