FF Systems
The FF-800 represents some of the latest technology in microprocessor control systems. It features a 68HC711E2 microprocessor and has 160K of ROM, and 34K of non-volatile RAM. This large on-board memory capability gives the FF-800 plenty of room for new features. The speech synthesizer is a Texas Instruments TSP53C30 with a vocabulary of over 400 words. There are also several "control phrases" that allow special messages (like time of day, temperature, digital voice tracks, etc...) to be interspersed with speech synthesizer words. Try an Overview of FF-800 features for a closer look at some of the operation of the FF-800. Other system features include:
Digital potentiometers for control of receiver, transmitter, and courtesy tone levels. The digital levels can be entered by a DTMF command, or through the serial terminal interface.
8 user programable courtesy tones . Each receiver can have a separate courtesy tone (as assigned by the sysop). The tone generator features sine wave synthesis with two- tone (chord) capability, attack and decay, and frequency sweep.
8 predefined courtesy tones.
Voter interface logic -- for systems that utilize an external voter system -- allows separate courtesy tone for each of up to 8 receivers in a voting system. The tone can be selected by last active or most active voted receiver.
4841 Waycross Road, Fort Myers, FL 33905, United States 33905