Safety One Training International Inc.
Safety One Training International, Inc. was founded by Art Seely in the early 1980’s. As a Denver paramedic he learned how emergency services were limited in terms of patient access due to severe snow storms. With blizzards, heavy snow drifts and snow removal crews being pulled off the streets, citizens needing emergency medical attention in a major metropolitan area were inaccessible. This experience was instrumental in the eventual development of Safety One. He founded a company that designed and or built custom snow and tracked vehicles for civilian and government clients all over the world and is an expert in the history and operation of over the snow tracked vehicles.
Combining his medical knowledge, passion for snowcats and remote access, he developed the first formal and government recognized training program for snow vehicle operators. The “Snow Survival School,” held its first course in 1988 with students from various utilities and telecommunications companies. Formally known as Snow Operations Training Center, this division of Safety One has trained thousands of students in the safe operation of these unique vehicles over the past two decades. In addition the Basic Snowcat Operator Certification, they have expanded to include other vehicle and environmental hazard training including Advanced Snowcat, Snowmobile, ATV/UTV, Tracked and Armored Vehicle Operations, Ice Driving & Trailering, Desert/Arid Survival, Bioterrorism and Pandemic Preparedness, NBC Warfare and Helicopter Passenger Survival and Emergency Insertion Training. Over 2 dozen magazine articles have been authored by Safety One instructors or written about the company and its unique training programs conducted all over the world. Safety One Instructors also serve as technical consultants to numerous TV and film productions
8181 W. Brandon Dr, Littleton, CO 80125, Colorado