Utility Service Communications
Phone #: 888-600-5876
Email: sitemanagement@utilityservice.com
Website: utilityservice.com/
A company you have trusted since 1963...
- 1963: Founded in Madison, North Carolina.
- 1985: Launched the tank asset management program.
- 2000: Established the Communications/Site Management Division.
- 2007: Introduced WaterMix, an active tank mixing system.
- 2007: Introduced chemical cleaning of water tanks.
- 2008: Acquired by Suez Environment.
- 2011: Launched Water Quality Services including Ice Pigging and TRS.
- 2012: Launched More Innovative Services including Smart Metering, Well Rehabilitation and Maintenance & Helium Leak Detection.
Categories list: Colocation
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535 Courtney Hodges Blvd Perry GA, Georgia
535 Courtney Hodges Blvd Perry GA, Georgia