Tower climbing, an obscure field with no more than 10,000 workers, has a mortality rate roughly 10 times that of construction. In the last nine years, alone, nearly 100 tower climbers have been killed on the job. Alarmingly, more than half of them were working on cell sites. An investigation led by ProPublica and PBS […]
The blog: Tag Archives: tower climber deaths
Tower Climber Hall of Shame
In 2010, a video was circulating that showed a “tower dawg” climbing without the use of any safety gear. This video was intended to show a first hand perspective of what a day as a tower climber is like. This video caused an outrage and panic, and has since been removed. Free climbing is very […]
Tower Climber Boots
On the list of things that need to be protected while you’re working, your feet might be relatively low. You probably don’t think about your feet too often, unless there’s a problem. In reality, if you aren’t properly set up with Tower Climber Boots, safety footwear, and traction devices, a small issue with your feet […]
Biggest Tower Climbing Mistakes
Tower climbing can be a thrilling and valuable occupation. Most the people who have this occupation love it and are intrigued by the danger. In the 80’s, it was a small and highly specialized industry, but with the growth of communication over the past 30 years, the demand has grown exponentially. Some of the most […]