Campbellsville Industries
When the First Church of Christ in Unionville was approached by a cell-phone carrier as a possible site for their cellular antennas, the first thought was "We don't want to ruin the traditional architecture of our church". The antennas had to be concealed in a steeple and the steeple had to blend in with the architectural styling of the church. It couldn't be some company's cookie cutter stock design that would look like it was put on as an afterthought. That just wouldn't be acceptable. The church contacted Campbellsville Industries, and had a custom steeple designed that incorporated some of the architectural motifs of the building and blended in beautifully with their surroundings. Communities today do not have to settle for unsightly towers and phony faux pine trees and palm trees to conceal their cellular antennas. A church can get the steeple that they wanted, a monthly income stream, and the cellular provider now has a site that is "community friendly". It's a win-win situation for all parties. Communities don't have to settle for less when the solution is just a phone call away. Call or email Campbellsville today for your quote! Check out some of our other concealment solutions on our cellular steeple page. Phone: 800-467-8135.
PO Box 278 Campbellsville, KY 42719, Kentucky