Tower Direct
Tower Direct is your trusted source for surplus, used, and even new telecommunication towers including self-supporting and guyed towers, tapered steel monopoles, and stealth structures. Also available are antenna mounts and accessories, shelters, cabinets and other surplus telecommunication equipment. Located in Peoria, Illinois, the home of the first towers ever manufactured in North America, Tower Direct now provides brand name structures delivered anywhere in the world.
Surplus towers are structures that are new but have never been installed. Used towers are structures that have been installed at one time but now have been dismantled. New towers include excess inventory from various manufacturer’s facilities.
All this means guaranteed savings to you, the tower buyer. Every attempt is made to deliver pictures, drawings, and a BOM prior to the sale. Customer satisfaction is guaranteed. Tower Direct reduces the risk that many telecommunication companies have created over the past.
By purchasing excess inventories of new towers or dismantling existing tower sites Tower Direct means savings to you and your company.. Used telecommunication equipment represents a typical 60% savings over new. Surplus averages at 25% or more. Let Tower Direct work for you!
bloomington, illinois, Illinois