Tower Squad leader

Antenna team leader

United States Forces Korea

Leading a team of four antenna and tower specialist in the ongoing maintenance of Armed Forces Network Korea.

Recognized for:

· Increased by 16% the up time of the armed forces network. From 80% to 96%

· Maintained eight antenna sites at 100% functionality throughout various locations.

· Led and trained four soldiers in antenna and tower maintenance through quarterly training.

· Tracked and coordinated the repair of at least thirty pieces of maintenance equipment valued at over five million dollars.

· Cooperated with Korean Nationals on daily basis to complete complex tasks.

xxx-xxx-xxxx United States Army

Information Technology Specialist

Fort Hood, Texas

Serving as a system administrator, telecommunications officer, help desk field representative and learn cable installer.

Recognized for:

· Increasing by 40% the completion of trouble tickets and user account creation.

· Saved in excess of $5000.00 annually on the Blackberry enterprise service account for the division by fixing old and outdated information.

· Closed five hundred trouble tickets annually.

· Trained twelve soldiers on trouble shooting various hard ware and soft wear issues while maximizing team efficiency.

· Managed at least three hundred user accounts annually using active directory.


Army commination medal, presented for excellence in customer support, maintaining 100% accountability of three hundred Blackberry devices, excellence throughout the unit and adapting and overcoming any task given.

Army Good Conduct medal, presented for worth ethic, dedication to the mission and professionalism.

Certificate of achievement (awarded two times), presented for outstanding management of the tech support desk during joint training with U.S. Armed Forces.

xxx-xxx-xxxx No Battle Buddy Left Behind, volunteer and website manager.


Last Resume Update May 22, 2016
Address Englewood
E-mail lock Locked
Phone Number lock Locked
Resume File Resume-Aaron.docx 14.02 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? No
Years Experience 5


US Army
Tower Squad Leade
Nov 2013 - Dec 2015

Lead a team of soldiers in the operation, repair, troubleshooting, and and safety of the radio, microwave, and telecommunication towers throughout South Korea. Climbed towers up to 300 FT tall and tower safety.

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