Safety professional

Years of experience with equipment

Personal commitment to regulations and compliance

Professional instructor and safety specialist


First Responder

Commissioned Security

Combat Life Saver


Weapons Instructor

180 hours+- Volunteer Fire Department

Texas Fire/Rescue

Backhoe/Heavy Equipment Operator

Combat Engineer

TAITC (Total Army Instructor Training Course)

Professional Experience:

Bottom Line Express Services, 2011-Present


Own and operate a home and business improvement company

Responsible for all inventory and financial issues

Recruit and hire contract personnel


BDOC/RSO Supervisor

Supervised all base defense operations for the Department of Defense

Responsible for Haz-Mat, Fire, Weapons, and Regulatory Safety and Compliance

Ran a crew of 19 employees; trained and mentored all employees

SOC, 2011

Armed Security Supervisor

Armed security for VIP air transport

Supervised and performed administrative functions relating to law enforcement and security operations

Oversaw and managed 12 subordinates

Ensured compliance to regulations, policies and safety and security procedures


Logistics Analyst and Instructor

Trained U.S. Army troops and civilian contractors in logistics and deployment of manpower

Traveled within the U.S. to instruct weekly classes as required

Lead Instructor for the DAC (Department of Army Civilians)

Lead Instructor for tactical guidance

United States Army,xxx-xxx-xxxx; 2004-Present

Non-commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC)

Construction equipment leader and operator

Safety instructor and responsible for all use of deadly force within the unit

Provided tactical guidance for subordinates and professional support to civilians on the following weapons: M9, M11, M4, M16, M500, M203, M240, M249, AT-4, AK47, and all other weapons that were necessary for the mission.

Last Resume Update November 14, 2015
Address Abilene
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Resume File ALAN-RESUME.docx 14.94 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 22

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