Certified Tower Climber
Last Resume Update August 25, 2015
Address Muskogee
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Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 6yrs


Bluestream Professional Services
Oct 2013 - Aug 2014

Oversaw crew during all LTE upgrades. Responsible for company truck and trailer along with keeping up and submitting crew hours. Maintained safety through entire build along with completing close outs and daily reports.

Xcell Inc
Tower technician
Feb 2012 - Oct 2013

Responsible for all duties atop the tower including, rigging the block, installing all equipment, prepictures and closout photos, weather prof and color coding. Along with help with any remaining work on the ground.

Scott Contracting
Tower Hand/Foreman
Apr 2010 - Jan 2012

Tower Hand- responsible for all duties involving tower modifications and stacking including gin pole experience, guy wire change outs, and heavy machinery experience.
Foreman- responsible for crew involving wireless installs from rising boom gates, running mainline coax and jumpers, PIM and sweep testing, and maintaining safety.

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