certified tower climber
  • Outdoor - mitigation and landscape knowledge, tree trimmer, used power mowers, motorized trimmers, sprayed exotic plants
  • Machine Operator - forklift, drag line, loader


    Graduat ed June 2001

    Home stead Se nior High School High School Diploma


    Wor k experience: March 2014 - Present Tele Tech Se rvices

    Tower Climber (Field Technician)

    Responsibilities: AT&T installation and upgrade

    LTE/4G/3G upgrades. Fiber testing, Running fiber/power cable with snapping on 300ft towerConnecting Jumpers and weather proof, Rigging Tower, performing Pim / Rate and fiber Test, Troubleshoot issues that arise, Building Antenna and Radio, Boom swipe, mounting hardware Ground work experienced.



    Nove mber 2011 - February 2014 3z Towers

    Tower Climber (Field Technician)

    Responsibilities: AT&T LTE upgrades Ve rizon in building solution installation, Me t ro PCS and T-mobile upgrades and cut over/ on call services. Max height climbed: 300'



    February '10 - October 2011 MDE Wire less Edmund, OK

    Tower Climber (Field Technician)

    Responsibilities: AT&T site expansions and upgrades, LTE installations, Ret configurations sweep test and running dielectric coax ial cables, installing connectors, collars and platforms as well Max height climbed: 300'



    Nove mber '08 - January '10

    Whart on Smit h Construction Group Labor Worke r

    Responsibilities: basic task requiring physical labor, worked closely with skilled workers and stone masons, worked in confined spaces and heights.



    Last Resume Update July 28, 2015
    Address Miami
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    Resume File attachment_1438107589238_Arnoldo-Mireles-Resume.pdf 19.84 kB
    Spanish Speaking? Yes
    Willing to Relocate? No
    Years Experience 5 years

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