Tower Hand

DDC/DMB Recourses October 2014-
Directional Driller
Worked on all types of wells. Laterals, Build n Turns ,Nudges and anti collision potential.
Worked with rig crew making BHA up and controlling drilling perameters.
Worked with Co-Men, Engineers in utilizing formations and m/o to insure a straight well with minimal DL for a smooth well bore.

Weatherford International October 2010 - October-2014
Directional Driller II
Worked with driller and crew in order to properly make up directional BHA
Proficient with the WELLZ Program
Familiar with directional calculations as well as utilizing well plots while following the client-s policies and guidelines
Familiar with steering the well according to the plan direction

Dallas Morris Drilling June 2010 - October 2010
Worked with crew to keep rig running and in order
Worked on a truck maintained double
Worked on a can rig top-drive
Helped in mud mixing and rig breakdowns

Saxon Drilling June 2008 - May 2010
Worked with crew to keep rig running and in order
Worked on a truck maintained double
Worked on a can rig top-drive
Helped in mud mixing and rig breakdowns

Unit Drilling July 2007 - May 2008
Floors, Derrickman
Worked on rigs, preventative maintenance
Fixed anything on rig that needed appropriate attention
Repair and install pipe lines, dump valves, and back pressure regulators
Worked board when tripping, took care of mud and crew members

Nabors Drilling USA April 2003 - June 2007
Floorman, Derrickman, Motorman,
Ran crew on drillers absence
Maintained pits while drilling in high pressure gas areas
Ran a four man crew with pumps down mixing mud and high pressure gas coming back
Stopped and started motors, maintained/kept a daily checklist on supplies

Rolligon Corporation August 2002 - March 2003
Fabricator, Pipe Fitter, Welder
Fabricated fracture trailers for the oilfield
Read blueprints and obtained supplies for that particular job
Made materials list from blue prints and built trailers from bare frame
Open and close bay areas weekly
Welded with mig on over 200 different projects to engineers standards

Cliff Tinkhan H&P Drilling xxx-xxx-xxxx
Brent Golden Directional Shop Hand xxx-xxx-xxxx
Mike Florias Directional Driller xxx-xxx-xxxx

Last Resume Update April 29, 2015
Address Walkersville
E-mail lock Locked
Phone Number lock Locked
Resume File Brandon-Wells-resume.doc 34.5 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 10

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