
always put it first in all areas of the job.

Education & T raining : Graduated from Tazewell High School, in 1992. A member of the
Future Farmers of America for four years, courses studied were metal fabrication and welding.
Successfully obtained an NCCER certificate as an Industrial Ironworker on 07/04/07. Completed
rigging courses in 2005 for Fluor Corporation. Certified I/W, rigger, and flagmen thru Certified
Slings & Supply for the Saxon Group on 11/10/08. Hilti Qualified Operator of Powder Actuated
tools on 12/14/09. Qualified and certified rigger and signal man by W.G. Yates & Sons Construction
Co. per OSHA 2013 regulations, for Southern Company Electrical Power on 2/11/12.
Successfully completed 10 hour OSHA training course in Construction Safety and Health on
03/01/12. Aerial work platforms 40' to 150', spider baskets, forklifts and extended reach L ulls, 4k to
100k lbs. Qualified operator for last 15 years per site or employers safety program. Obtained
NCCER rigging plus certification in October 2014.

Employment History:

: Contingent Resource Staffing, Greenville, SC ; services provided
for Industrial Piping Inc. for Cytec Carbon Fibers in the expansion project for GP-3
spinning and manufacturing.
Start Date: February 27,2013
T itle/ Duties: Rigger, Signalman, Flagger, Equipment Operator and Ironworker, erecting
platforms, loading pipe racks with crane or by bull rigging. Project certified to
operate rough terrain 80 lull and all aerial work platforms up to 125'.
End Date: Presently employed

: Kudzu Staffing Agency, Columbia, SC ; Services provided for D.H. Griffen
Construction in L exington, SC for Michelin Tire expansion project.

Start Date: August 13, 2012
T itle/ Duties: Ironworker connector, rigger, millwright, set up conveyors and elevator
system to move products (automobile tires) from each station of production.
Track belts, adjust tension and moveable stops on system of operations equipment.
Equipment operator for forklifts, 15 ton crane, and aerial work platforms and
sissor lifts.
End Date: Febuary 26, 2013

: Southern Erectors Inc Boiler shutdowns on coal fired power plants for
precipitator rebuild at Hoosier Energy in Sullivan, IN and at Dayton Power and L ight
in Manchester, OH.
Start Date: February 29, 2012
T itle/ Duties: "I/W Rigger", equipment operator, teacher and trainer of green employees due to
my years of experience.
End Date: May 8, 2012

: W.G. Yates & Sons Construction in Meridian, MS. For Mississippi Power Division of
"The Southern Co."
Start Date: February 9, 2012
T itle/ Duties: "Ironworker Foreman" raising gang also safety spokesman at at monthly meetings.
Expected to do General Foreman responsible as to placement of hands to their
qualifications and knowledge of job and make request for safety equipment, tools
and equipment for entire site, and make the hang list for erection.
End date: February 24, 2012

: R.J. Shirley Ironworks in Greenville, SC. G.E. Gas turbine power plant in
Greenville, SC and V.C. Summer Nuclear Power plant in Jenkinsville, SC.
Start Date: December 19,2011
T itle/ Duties: " Ironworker Connector"; to help the company with anything that needed to be
productive, in all areas of the construction process.
End Date: January 19, 2012

: U.S. Trades / Sprit Construction in Anderson, SC. for First Quality Tissue
Manufacturing facility.
Start Date: July 15, 2011
T itle/ Duties: " Ironworker and equipment operator"; 8 and 15 ton Broderson crane, forklifts
out/ inside, rigger and fitter for pipe, millwright, and civil crafts.
End Date: October 24, 2011

: Shaw Construction in Spencer NC. For Duke Energy's 2 new natural gas turbine
and bag houses
Start Date: November 19, 2010
T itle/ Duties: "Ironworker connector"; Competent and certified signalman with radio
and or hand. L ead man on the erection of 2 bag houses.
End Date: June 6, 2011

: Fluor Corp. in Macon, GA. Southern Co. and Georgia Power units 3 & 4 SCR.
Start Date: February 1, 2010
T itle/ Duties: " Ironworker "; L ead connector on SCR , moved to lead signalman and rigger for
tower cranes and 500 ton Manitowoc crane.
End Date: October 2, 2010

: Shaw Constructors in Cliffside NC. For Duke Energy's new 980 mega watt coal
fired power facility, with entire clean air and water treating capabilities on site.
Start Date: December 9, 2008
T itle/ Duties: " Structural Ironworker General Foreman"; bolt-up, and connecter, promoted to
Raising Gang Foreman, over the Absorber Building 7 weeks after hire-in date.
Offered and accepted Structural Ironworker general foreman position 4 months
later and directed as many as 97 workers including 12 foremen. Planning and
placement of workers and equipment on different job task of project. Such as the
limestone unloading area of Railroad cars, Ball Mill building and building of steel bents
to stand for the conveyor systems of coal, limestone, and gypsum by product.
Assist with JSA's and reviewing them before I signed off and turned in to the
End Date: January 14, 2010

: Saxon Group in Orlando FL . for Southern Company's Florida Power & L ight. A
new natural gas burning power station project.
Start Date: July 1, 2008
T itle / Duties: " Ironworker connector"; and lead man for raising gang.
End Date: November 19, 2008

: HB Zachery Construction in L oxahatchee, Fl. for Southern
Company's Florida Power & L ight 5 natural gas boiler unit.
Start Date: May 30, 2008
T itle / Duties: "Ironworker"; lead connecter on night shift, and rigger
End Date: June 30, 2008

: Crowder Construction in Belmont NC for Duke Energy's waste water
treatment facility
Start Date: February 2, 2008
T itle / Duties: "Ironworker connector"; journeymen, rigger, layout and design, forklift
operator, skid steer bobcat operator, and signal person. Pipe fitter on stainless
and carbon.
End Date: May 26, 2008

: Fluor Corp. in Ghent KY for Kentucky Utilities stage 3 of SCR
Start Date: September 11, 2007
T itle /Duties: "Ironworker connecter"; flagman for large cranes 6800 Demac, by hand and 2-
way radios to guide and place steel members into place and in correct order of
erection plan.
End Date: November 25, 2007

:Shaw Constructors in Belmont NC, Duke Energy's Clean Air project for coal
fired power plant, that maintained full production of electrical energy during
upgrade of site.
Start Date: July 9, 2007
T itle /Duties: "Ironworker Foreman"; "Raising gang foreman"; "L ay down yard foreman"; to
make hang lists, insure the receivables and request were handled in proper order.
Flagmen for cranes & forklifts. L oad/unload of steel by using shake out hooks
and tag lines.
End Date: September 5, 2007

:Fluor Corp. in Ghent, KY for Kentucky Utilities, Clean Air Project
Start Date: July 3, 2007
T itle/ Duties: "Ironworker connector"
End Date: July 5, 2007

: Fluor Corp. in Roxboro, NC. Progress Energy's Clean air
project for existing coal fired power plant.
Start Date: April 23, 2007
T itle /Duties: "Ironworker connector"; Established Journeymen, certified signal person
for cranes, competent rigging inspector.
End Date: June 31, 2007

: Shaw Constructors in Bellews Creek, NC. Duke Energy's
Clean air project for coal fired power plant.
Start Date: October 26, 2006
T itle / Duties: "Ironworker"; connector and flagman, using 2-way radio, and hand signals,
bolt-up and impact, lay down yard, or staging areas , locate requested pieces and
to load on flat bed semi trailers in order of erection, or safest way to transport to
defined work area.
End Date: April 21, 2007

: Fluor Corp. in Dunphy, NV for Newmont Mining Corp. A new
coal fired power plant with SCR unit.
Start Date: September 11, 2006
T itle/ Duties: "Ironworker Rigger"; to unload flatbed semi trucks, which carried loads from
shipyard in Steel framed cases for over sea transporting, loads could weigh as much
as 80,000 lbs. A 222 L ampson Crane was used to off load arriving shipments and then
to separate the contents.
End Date: October 21, 2006

: Sunset Steel Erecters in L as Vegas, NV. Rainbow Pavilion
Office Complex, The Palms Resort and Casino.
Start Date: March 28, 2006 .
T itle / Duties: "Ironworker Foreman"; which includes the task of Raising gang foreman, general
foreman, and project superintendent. Set up schedule of production of my
employees and obtain subcontractors for the tasks outside of iron work. Select and
provide safety equipment, tools, and mobile equipment for site for the Rainbow
Pavilion site.
End Date: August 22, 2006

: Fluor Corp. in Skyland, NC. For Progress Energy's Clean
air project for Coal fired power plant.
Start Date: February, 2005
T itle / Duties: "Ironworker" ; seasoned journeymen, bolt-up and impact, connector, fitter (pipe
and structural), forklift operator, flag man
End Date: March, 2006

History of Unemployment :
May 9,2012 till August 13,2012
February 25, 2012 to February 28,2012
January 20, 2012 till February 8, 2012
October 25, 2011till December 18, 2011
June 7, 2011till October 14, 2011
October 3, 2010 till November 18, 2010
January 15, 2010 till January 31, 2010
November 21, 2008 till December 8, 2008
November 26, 2007 till February 1, 2008
R eferences:

Last Resume Update January 16, 2016
Address Greenwood
E-mail lock Locked
Phone Number lock Locked
Resume File Resume-update-7.pdf 69.27 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 24

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