certified tower climber

Daniel Garcia

Five years cell tower construction

Trouble shooting lte gsm umts

Installation carrier add ons lte, umts

Painting tower

Installation microwave dishes

Rad reductions existing and new boom mounts

Installation of new sled mounts and steel and ons or replacement steel existing mountd

Installation tower modifications steel add ons stiffeners plats and deconstruction

Add on foundation and deconstruction of foundation

Core drilling add on anchors or re bar strengthen tower foundation

Guy wire change outs

Safety meetings logging on and off site's

Site walks in sure material needed estimate time of completion

Insure site completion at quality standards before closing pictures



Last Resume Update April 23, 2015
Address Castroville
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Phone Number lock Locked
Spanish Speaking? Yes
Willing to Relocate? No
Years Experience 5 years cell tower construction

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