Crew Lead

Crew Foreman SAC Wireless – April 2015 – present
Worked on T-Mobile projects through out FL Market.

Crew Lead Bluestream Professional – Sept 2014 - March 2015
Worked with other leads installing T-mobile L700 upgrade in Fla market and ATT troubleshooting Ohio market

Crew Foreman: Tiger Team Services- May 2014 Sept 2014
Responsible for running a 3 to 5 man crew man crew at Bobby Dodd stadium GA. Installing DAS system.
Andy Turbervillexxx-xxx-xxxx

Crew Foreman Mycom/Xerex – Jan 2014 – May 2014
Responsible for 2 man tiger team repairing ATT site LTE and UMTS WVA and VA market
Chad Nuttallxxx-xxx-xxxx

Crew Foreman Tiger Team Services Feb-2013 – Dec – 2013
Responsible for running a 3 man crew in VA market, LTE installation and troubleshooting.
Andy Turberville 8433407291

Crew Foreman: West Tower June 2012 – Feb 2013
Was hired to run crew for LTE installation in Mississippi, due to the number of employees hired, I ended up doing LTE on job training for new installations.
Billy Ray Smith

Crew Foreman: L&K Electric Jan 2012 June 2012
Responsible for running a 2 to 5 man crew primarily doing
ATT upgrade from Fla. To Mich. Responsible for sweep testing,
PIM testing and getting close-out packages together,
Don Shoemaker,xxx-xxx-xxxx

Project Manager: Henrys Tower Mar 2005 Jan 2012
Responsible for scheduling 3 crews for work each morning. Coordinated and schedule work to be done on cellular sites, Raw land and co-locates. Read blueprints and insure they are followed correctly I also have an electronics back ground which helps me in light installations and repairs. I am also Site Master Certified
Toano, Virginia, Terry Baker,xxx-xxx-xxxx.

Crew Foreman: Universal Tower
Responsible for 4 man crew, traveling east coast Penn south to Florida installing cellular co-locate sites, beefing up. And building towers follow blueprints and insure job is done to spec
Larry Skinner Suffolk, Virginia,xxx-xxx-xxxx

Electronics Tech Responsible for manage a shop of 8. Scheduling work for the day and maintaining the City Hampton radio system 24hrs on call. Leslie Caldwellxxx-xxx-xxxx

Additional Skills: Site Master, PIM Test, Multi-meter, Watt Meter. Cat Head, Winch, Cad welding, ODM Fiber testing, ATC lite


Kecoughtan High School, Diploma, Hampton, Virginia
Vo-Tech, Electronics Diploma, Hampton, Virginia

Greg Via,xxx-xxx-xxxx, known for 8 years
Frank Blount,xxx-xxx-xxxx, known for 20 years
Justin Loar,xxx-xxx-xxxx, known for 2 years
Ralph Cook,xxx-xxx-xxxx, known for 20 years

Last Resume Update March 7, 2016
Address MIAMI
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Resume File resume.doc 29.5 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 20 yrs

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