Tower Apprentice
·      OSHA Trained
  • Attention to detail
·      CPR/First Aid Certificate ·      Well organized ·      Ability to interpret detailed

blueprints/diagrams ·      Ability to work well in a team based





Seeking employment with a company that will help to further my knowledge of tower installation while allowing me to use my military experience and tower installation certification to advance within the company.


Acquired Skills


  • Fundamental elements of wireless technology relevant to tower installation (wireless networks, application, service and a basic technical overview of spectrum principles).
·      Basic principles of electricity, safety standards and line worker tools.
  • Basic principles of overhead power line construction (safe work habits, protective equipment and tower climbing techniques).
  • Fundamentals of fall protection, rescue theory and tower safety practices for a competent worker (fall hazards, regulations, use, full body harnesses, energy absorbing lanyards, self-retracting lifelines, vertical lifelines, fall arrest systems, ladder climbing systems, work positioning lanyards and anchorage selection).
  • Fundamentals of cable accessories and carrier installation standards for a broad cross section of wireless construction, including communication cables, weather proofing, handling, support and grounding the components of cell systems, and installation quality guidelines of areas of construction that have the highest frequency of defects.




Certificate School Year Received Tower Installation Aiken Technical College, South Carolina 2014 Radio Communications Operator-Maintainer Signal Training Center Sacramento, California 2014 Satellite Communications Operator- Maintainer Fort Gordon, Georgia 2010 Army Basic Training Ft Jackson, South Carolina 2009 High School Centennial High School Georgia 2009




Radio Technician 642nd Regional Support Group Army Reserve Atlanta, Georgia September 2013-


  • Fulfilled monthly Reserve duties
  • Maintained and tested radio equipment



Facility Control Operator 78th Signal Battalion Okinawa, Japan October 2011- September 2013
  • Supervised technical hardware of up to 1100 telecommunication circuits
  • Monitored and reported all activity via Closed Circuit Television security system



Satellite Communications Technician 54th Signal Battalion Kuwait October 2010-

October 2011

  • Prepared system and equipment diagnostic tests and generated daily network summary reports.
  • Provided network operation management control over all subordinate global information grid facilities.




Name Title E-mail Phone Number Jarrod Watkins SBA Supervisor xxx-xxx-xxxx Timothy Hathaway Staff Sergeant xxx-xxx-xxxx        
Last Resume Update August 12, 2015
Address Atlanta
E-mail lock Locked
Resume File Tower-Resume-V3.doc 26 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 10 Months

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