Tower Technician (top hand)


Tower Technician
Overland Contracting – Grandview, MO – December 2015 to November 2016
Tower climber Installs, maintains, repairs, or retrofits towers and antenna systems (e.g. antennas, feed lines,
ice shields, etc.) Climbing towers and ladders at various heights Assemble and install an adjust antenna
Azimuth and down tilt antennas and 90 degrees. Jumper and Coax installation and Replacement, also Coax
Termination, Connector Installation, Weatherproofing and Grounding. 1c thru 5c installs for AT&T, 4G, LTE
Up Grade . Tiger Team

Tower Technician Top Hand
Bluestream Profesional Services – Dallas, TX – December 2013 to September 2015
Install, maintain, repair, or retrofits towers and antenna systems (e.g. antennas, feed lines, ice
shields, etc.) Climbing towers and ladders at various heights Assemble and install an adjust antenna
Azimuth and down tilt antennas and 90 degrees. Jumper and Coax installation and Replacement, also
Coax Termination, Connector Installation, Weatherproofing and Grounding. Anritsu certified, Com Trian
certified, OSHA certified, Pim certified. AT&T LTE UPGRADE

Tower Hand
Team-Communication – El Paso, TX – April 2013 to October 2013
Tower climber
Installs, maintains, repairs, or retrofits towers and antenna systems (e.g. antennas, feed lines, ice
shields, etc.) Climbing towers and ladders at various heights Assemble and install an adjust antenna
Azimuth and down tilt antennas and 90 degrees. Jumper and Coax installation and Replacement, also
Coax Termination, Connector Installation, Weatherproofing and Grounding. T-MOBILE LTE UPGRADE

Senior Installer
Solar City – El Paso, TX – January 2013 to April 2013
Erecting of racking system for solar panels for Fort Bliss. digging trenches, drilling racks,
installing PVC pipes, running wire, Installing barker boxes, inventory control, fabrication of some
steel and forklift operator.

Crew Lead
Sun Quest – El Paso, TX – August 2012 to November 2012
Erecting of racking system for solar panels for Fort Bliss. running a crew of 20 employees, digging
trenches, drilling racks, installing PVC pipes, running wire, inventory control, fabrication of some
steel and forklift operator.
Warehouse Associate
Kelly Services – El Paso, TX – September 2011 to July 2012
Warehouse Man
Ensured all shipping items were properly packaged and labled for correct distribution. Unloaded
trailers Shipped to facility and scand to proper locations. Handled all Bill Of Ladings, manifest
reports, some custom paper work, and pick tickets. Worked with UPS and FedEx system. assisted in helping
in shrink wrap, cycle counting, and inventory control.

Iron Worker
Patriot Erectors – El Paso, TX – March 2010 to December 2010
Hanging steel, titlpanels, torching, decking, stiching, welded steel, iventory of incoming steel, used
forklift or skytrack to place steel in proper location around job site and connecting steel.

Loften Services – El Paso, TX – March 2009 to November 2009
Off loading cement from rail carts, inventory control, manifest reports, bol reports, maintnence,
dispatch, building commercial air conditioners and welding loading air units on trailers with forklift,
scanned and shipped to commercial locations

Steris Isomedix Services, Inc – El Paso, TX – April 2008 to January 2009
Responsible for loading medical supplies in chamber to be sterilized, monitoring computer to maintaine
sterilized product, shipping and reciving of strilized product, scanned all material and
placed in proper locations using forklift or pallet jacks. Maintained reports of all products.

Iron worker
Structual Services – February 2007 to March 2008
Hanging steel, tilt up panals, weldilng, torching, forklift operator,

asbestos, and lead
LVI Environmental Services, Inc – El Paso, TX – January 2006 to February 2007
El Paso, TX, United States Jan 2006 – Feb 2007
Responsible for working with hazardous material i.e. mercury, asbestos, and lead. Demolition,
cement layer and brick tender. torch demolition (burner). certified in hazmat, confined space, scuba.

Production Associate
Raytheon – Fort Bliss, TX – June 2003 to December 2005
Performed initial troubleshooting/diagnostics of all Antenna Mast Group equipment for customers.
Performed all system checks of pneumatics and hydraulic for service and operation. Sanded and sandblasted
all vehicles for painting. Aladized all metal and aluminum and preped for painting. Used a variety of electrical
and air tools. Responsible for installing GPS and cargo sensors in tractors.

Material Handler
Gatsby Plastics – El Paso, TX – March 1999 to April 2003
Mixed plastic material for machine operators. Emptied all hopers, runners, placed boxes for operators.
Inspected all incoming shipments for damages, unloaded or loaded trailers using forklift and placed in proper
area using a forklift or pallet jack. Assisted supervisor with inventory and input
information into computer data base.


El Paso Community College – El Paso, TX
May 2003

General Studies
New Horizons Regional Education Center – El Paso, TX
October 1987

Last Resume Update March 22, 2019
Address El Paso
E-mail lock Locked
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Resume File gil-resume.pdf 43.11 kB
Spanish Speaking? Yes
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 5

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