
Objective and work

Very hard worker looking for a job with insurance and benefits that will help me excel and grow in the tower industry. A company that I can stay with and learn from. I work well with others and can take orders from anyone if need I know AT&T in and out and have work with T-Mobile and Sprint a lot. Will travel and/or relocate prefer work hours over 40 can work 60 a week if need have my own harness ready to leave as of today.


4-G Communication Inc.

Tower Hand / Date Of Employment: 2011 to 2012 about a year

Started out doing, shelter work & AT&T 2-G, 3-G G.S.M. U.M.T.S. work running hard lines then 2-G, 3-G, 4-G L.T.E. G.S.M. & U.M.T.S. Upgrades as well as trouble shooting. Worked some of the best tower climbers in the industry, who taught me the right way to do things!

Falcon Peak Inc.

Tower Hand / Date of Employment: 2012 to 2013 about a year

Top hand and Forman running crew from top of tower doing fiber & ret testing as well as trouble shooting & shelter work, working on my own taking pre & post pictures also doing close outs mostly T-Mobile some Sprint L.T.E. Upgrades but some 2-G & 3-G work as well.

I.P.X. International

Tower Hand / Forman / Date of Employment: 2013 to 2014 about ¾ a year

Top hand and Forman self taught to sweep. Can run most Anritsu models. Doing per & post pics also close outs, shelter work job start to finish, mostly AT&T 4-G L.T.E. Upgrades, audits, tigger team work & some 2-G, 3-G G.S.M. & U.M.T.S. revamps.

All work information not shown if any more information need please email me @ or by phonexxx-xxx-xxxx


Oak Grove: 0-2

Pleasant Grove: 3-11

Oak grove: 12 High School diploma

Tower work References and electrical

Gary Thortion.~~~~~xxx-xxx-xxxx Tower Reference

Gerald Mcbride.~~~~xxx-xxx-xxxx Tower Reference

Chris Gardner.~~~~~xxx-xxx-xxxx Electrical Reference

Jackey Treadaway.~xxx-xxx-xxxx Other work Friend

Certifications and classes taken


O.S.H.A. 10

First Aid

C.P.R. Adult & Child/Infant

R.F. Awareness Training

Taken classes safety class for AT&T, T-Mobile & Sprint.

Had to pass classes for T-Mobile and Sprint

Contact information




Last Resume Update February 24, 2016
Address Birmingham
E-mail lock Locked
Phone Number lock Locked
Resume File Austins-Resume.docx 43.94 kB

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