I started in the kitchen as a food expo calling for orders, and placing garnishes as necessary. It was my job to
make sure the food was perfect and together before it went out to customers. As I became comfortable with the
menu, I took on another responsibility as a car side server for Togo orders and did both at the same time. It was
my job to handle cash, take orders in person and over the phone and deliver the food to their vehicle. After about
a year of that, I moved into restaurant serving until I got a job at the mill.
01/2013 - 10/2015 C o o k/ba r helper Of f ice 84 2/T ria ngle ba r
a nd Grill
I started in the kitchen prepping food, cooking, handcrafting meals, and serving them to guests. Because of my
Applebee’s experience, I took on more roles with the customers as time allowed to interact and take orders as
well. I quickly learned how to bartend and eventually the owners moved me to their new establishment the
Triangle, and bartended until my position at the mill became available.
10/2014 - 07/2017 P ro d uct io n L ea d S w a nso n B a rk A nd W o o d
P ro d uct s
Trained and scheduled new employees on a weekly basis
Set company wide production records
Forklift and loader certification
Managed at least 15 employees in a fast paced production plant in extreme conditions
Loaded and unloaded trucks using forklift or Kabota tractor with forks
Loaded material into hoppers using a Cat 980
Performed routine maintenance and fixed machine breakdowns to keep production line generating revenue
I was also on the safety committee
11/2017 - 07/2019 B ut cher M a na ger T hree B ea rs A la ska
Completed butcher training course and became the first manager of the store
Trained, scheduled and tasked employees daily
Ensured legal paperwork was properly written and filed
Faxed, called, and email orders to various vendors
Directly in contact with cooperate managers and customers on a daily basis
06/2018 - 07/2019 M a na ger R ed bea rd s B B Q
Smoked meats and prepared other meals
Trained and scheduled employees
Handled cash
Conducted business with vendors and customers on a daily basis
05/2019 - 07/2019 C o mmercia l F isherma n S a lvucci L L C
Maintain clean and organized boat at all times, pick fish and pull nets, process fish, ensure safety for yourself
and everyone around you, prepare for 20 hour days, proper lifting and pulling so no harm comes to body, fast
paced work to produce more fish.
06/2010 M o ssyro ck H igh S cho o l A nd L o w er H S D , H igh S cho o l
C o lumbia C o llege
Beyond the jobs in the resume, my skills from other jobs have helped me shape my career. If interested, I can
provide information about this.
Commercial fishing, metal fabrication, vehicle maintenance, skid steer, window and door installation,
construction, housing maintenance, landscaping, bartending, restaurant service, farming, and many laborer
1009 Lord St, Kelso,
Washington 98626
MICHAEL P CHURCH xxx-xxx-xxxx
Suzanne Branch
Production Manager
Swanson Bark And Wood Products
John Greene
Corporate Meat Buyer
Three Bears Alaska
Jason Wells
Red beards BBQxxx-xxx-xxxx
Caleb Sargent
Three Bears Alaskaxxx-xxx-xxxx
Tyler Dynes
Commercial Fishing Captainxxx-xxx-xxxx
Last Resume Update | February 5, 2020 |
Address | Toledo |
| |
Phone Number | |
Resume File | Resume.pdf 21.63 kB |