Senior Construction /Project Manager

AT&T Qualified Contractor (Ask Yourself and Supply Chain)

Familiarity with Verizon, T-Mobile, AT&T, Metro PCS, Sprint construction protocols

Tower drop and swaps, lighting controllers and monitoring systems, DAS and rooftops - tall tower properties and their idiosyncrasies are not a foreign subject.

AC power distribution up to 270 volts

DC power plants -batteries, battery racks, distribution panels and breakers

Radio-TV broadcast engineer- + 30 years - component level troubleshooting skills and
RF experience up to 1 Megawatt in bands = LW, SW, MW, Microwave encompassing national and international projects -Georgia Public Television and Radio, Voice of America, National Public Radio, Discovery Channel Latin America, Royal Thai Army Bangkok Thailand, The Box Music Network, West Georgia small market radio

Paralegal skills - Legal research and analysis, contract review, first draft briefs, field investigations, title searches

Former business owner that understands P&L with crew management experience -turnkey telecommunications project management as well as budget and bid processes, scheduling by priority -Excel literate

KD4SHF (amateur radio) build and operate equipment -transmitters, receivers, antennas tuners, mini computers (Raspberry PICS) I expect to be Amateur Extra by January 2015

FCC GROL w/ Radar endorsement (January 2015)

Microsoft Office Suite -Word, Excel, PowerPoint
30 Hour OSHA
Basic First Aid
Site Safe RF Compliance
RF Safety- Society Of Broadcast Engineers
Confined Space Safety Supervisor
International Tower Lighting Strobe
Anritsu PIM Testing pre-certification
Anritsu Master Line Sweep pre-certification

Sprint East Coast SNV decommission program
Crown Castle Shared Generator program North Florida
Drop and Swap- Port Saint Joe ( 800 foot guyed) and Drop and Swap Panama City (350 foot guyed) supervising all aspects of the process from writing the bid documents to overseeing the completion on time and on budget. The overall cost of both projects including material and labor was approximately $750,000.00.

Since there is no companywide publication I created a drop and swap outline for other CM-s.
Managed various Verizon Alltel -cradle to grave- turnkey projects for a positive profit figure for Crown Castle.
Harris Broadcast -Royal Thai Army Bangkok Thailand- digital tv studios
Discovery Channel- Miami Florida -studio rebuild


Construction Manager (Contractor) Ericsson December 2012- present

Sprint 65 MHZ and Sprint New Vision - Austin Texas -3G/4G network improvement in anticipation of the 2.5 MHZ overlay project -Includes land lord relationships, supervision of material acquisition for 65 MHZ, Service provider installation supervision including post construction punch walks. Negotiate first pass Sprint New Vision cleanup bids from SP including PO creation. This includes specialized installs such as rooftops.

Sprint SNV/DAS - Georgia and Alabama - Supervision of Service Providers in installations of Sprint network 3G and 4G upgrades -includes landlord relationships, equipment location, material checks and post construction punch walks. Alabama CM for Sprint Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS),

AT&T power plant upgrade and RF improvement.-Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina Includes equipment selection, managing purchase orders, Service provider installation supervision, landlord relationships, equipment location and post construction punch walks

Construction Manager-(Contractor) Nokia - Siemens - 2012-2012 T Mobile Network Improvement Atlanta Georgia- Supervision of general contractors including cabinet locations, post construction cleanup and punch walk. Post install configuration /commissioning site supervision including overnight cutovers.

Lead Construction Manager/East Coast Project Manager (Contractor) Overland Contracting 2012-2012 - Led the Decommission team for East Coast Sprint IDEN. Supervised the power down (lock out- tag out) and removal/disposal of IDEN systems for all sites along the Atlantic coast from Baltimore Washington (BaWa) to the Georgia Florida state line Responsible for site by site decommission negotiations with general contractors in order to meet predetermined financial targets . I also interviewed, hired trained and supervised field personnel who were the eyes in the field supervising contractors

Construction Manager Crown Castle International | North Florida District | 2003 -2012
(Field Operations/Construction Manager 2003-2007 | Global Signal Services (acquired by Crown Castle in 2007) | Northwest Florida, South Georgia, South Alabama). - Supervised General contractors installation of carrier equipment (Sprint, Metro PCS, T Mobile, Verizon, Clearwire, AT&T was well as miscellaneous clients such as low power television broadcasters and FM radio stations. Met with landlords to resolve property issues. Acted as on the ground project manager for three -drop and swap- tower installs. Wrote a Company distributed drop and swap construction manual.

Broadcast Engineer
WTWC-WTXL Television - maintained TV transmitters (UHF), microwave kinks, studio production equipment, generators, remote TV journalism trucks

Principal Broadcast Engineer
Michael Mallory and Associates - Designed, built and maintained
Small market radio broadcast stations, including AM/FM towers and television stations/studios, production trucks.

*Additional work experience (non Telco related) available upon request


Two Crown Castle Sparky awards for submitting multiple ideas to improve revenue streams and accelerate processes.
Crown Castle Towering Triumph for accelerating the North Florida Broadband process and saving time and money for the company.


Construction Estimating Institute: Civil Blueprint Reading, Understanding Workman-s Compensation, The Estimate-Where Cost Control Begins, Wind Mitigation Strategies, Florida Construction Strategies, Financial Basics for Contractors, Construction Cost Strategies
Auburn University | Continuing Education: Construction Surveying
Crown University In House Seminars: Influential leadership, Essentials of Leadership, Rapid Decision Making, Financial Analysis, BPM Processes, Protected Migratory Bird Regulation, Sales for the Non-Salesperson
Certifications: Andrews Antenna Installation and Maintenance, Tektronix Digital Television Systems, Operation Budgets for Non Managers, Data Radio Certified System Integrator
USN: Electronics Technician Class -A-, Electronics Warfare Technician Class -A-, KW-26 Cryptographic
West Georgia College: Accounting -Finance
Southern Polytechnic: BSET program
Tallahassee Community College: Legal studies


Last Resume Update December 16, 2014
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Resume File CM-resume.doc 42 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience +30

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