Certified Tower Climber
  • Oversee job from start to
  • Equipment op Dozer , roller, man lifts, boom truck


    Lead framer/carpenter, May 2005 – Oct 2012

    • Study specifications in blueprints, sketches, or building plans to prepare project layout and determine dimensions and materials
    • Shape or cut materials to specified measurements, using hand tools, machines, or power
    • Measure and mark cutting lines on materials, using a ruler, pencil, chalk, and marking
    • Install structures or fixtures, such as windows, frames, floorings, trim, or hardware, using carpenters' hand or power
    • Remove damaged or defective parts or sections of structures and repair or replace, using hand tools.
    • Erect scaffolding or ladders for assembling structures above ground
    • Select and order lumber or other required
    • Maintain records, document actions, and present written progress
    • Construct forms or chutes for pouring
    • Cover subfloors with building paper to keep out moisture and lay hardwood, parquet, or wood- strip-block floors by nailing floors to subfloor or cementing them to mastic or asphalt
    • Trusses,sheet roofs,Decks & Additions



    Project superintendent, Jan 2000 – Apr 2005

    • Schedule the project in logical steps and budget time required to meet
    • Confer with supervisory personnel, owners, contractors, or design professionals to discuss and resolve matters, such as work procedures, complaints, or construction
    • Prepare contracts and negotiate revisions, changes and additions to contractual agreements with architects, consultants, clients, suppliers and
    • Prepare and submit budget estimates, progress reports, or cost tracking
    • Interpret and explain plans and contract terms to administrative staff, workers, and clients, representing the owner or
    • Inspect or review projects to monitor compliance with building and safety codes, or other regulations.
    • Study job specifications to determine appropriate construction
    • Obtain all necessary permits and


    • Investigate damage, accidents, or delays at construction sites, to ensure that proper procedures are being carried
    • Requisition supplies or materials to complete construction
    • Inspect or review projects to monitor compliance with environmental
    • Initiate walk-thru,and home warranties
    • Work with realtors at closing and do final walk thru with homebuyers
    • Maintain a level of excellence throughout the home building


    E D U C A T I O N

    Clyde-Savannah Central, ClydeNY

    Completed coursework towards High School Diploma, Apr 1996

    • GED obtained


    A D D I T I O N A L S K I L L S

    • Microsoft Office 360, ,Powerpoint Quickbooks,Spreadsheets. Very efficient with
    • Certified welder
    • Anritsu sweep and pim certified.Comtrain Safety and Rescue.first-aid and CPR certs
    • OSHA 10 & 30 ,RF awareness,


    A W A R D S A N D H O N O R S

    • 2002,2003 2004 Parade of homes winner in Raleigh NC ,Wake Forest NC
    • NHBA Builder of the year, Rochester NY


    C A R E E R O B J E C T I V E

    • I would like to use the skills and knowledge I've acquired over the years to advance at a new company here in
    Last Resume Update July 14, 2015
    Address palm bay
    E-mail lock Locked
    Phone Number lock Locked
    Resume File My-New-Resume.pdf 83.15 kB
    Spanish Speaking? No
    Willing to Relocate? No
    Years Experience 12

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