Glotel inc. – april 2014- present


Position: Field Supervisor/Integrator/Maintenance Technician/Tower Climber/Crew Lead/Foreman

Duties: Field Supervisor: monitor the performance of workers on cell sites to ensure completion in the correct time frame.

Ensure correct materials are given and utilized in order to complete the sites.

Integrator: Build t-mobile l1900 upgrade sites including installing system modules into cabinets, running new power/fiber, sync cables, etc.

Commission sites with correct scf files to bring new technology on air.

Recommission existing technologies to share with new technologies (if applicable).

Troubleshoot any issues during/after integration.

Maintenance Technician: Troubleshoot maintenance tickets dispatched from t-mobile.

Troubleshoot vswr, rp3 opticical, rssi, rets, and any other maintenance related issues.

Tower climber: Climb and rig tower to perform construction/maintenance on cell sites/towers.

Crew Lead/Foreman: ensure all materials are utilized in order to complete site build.

Review site plans/rfds/construction drawings to create plan for site builds.

Ensure all safety procedures are in place and all reporting is sent back to management.

Betacom Inc. – January 2013- april 2014


Position: lead Tower climber/technician

Duties: Climb and rig towers for performing construction and/or maintenance on telecommunication cell sites.

Load truck with correct materials before leaving for the site.

Perform thorough safety checks for all equipment before starting work on sites.

Fly booms, steel, antennas, radios, pipes etc. to mount on tower for site builds/maintenance

Troubleshoot issues during maintenance, including sweeping lines, fiber testing, swapping equipment, etc.

Last Resume Update August 1, 2016
Address Fort Lauderdale
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Resume File Robert-W-resume.docx 14.98 kB

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