Professional fiber services - Troy, MI - April 2016 to Present
At&the wsc upgrades in Michigan and southern California, closeouts,running 3 to 4 man crew installing fif
racks ,raycap,battery racks ,root tops ,ss,monopole, stealth poles,punch work

Construction Manager/foreman
husker tower - Lincoln, NE - November 2013 to Present
Work directly with customers and carriers to insure job stated and finished ontime and correctly. make sure
crews had what they needed to ensure complete construction direct crews to which jobs depending on best
crew for the job did pre and post site walks and carrier conference calls.surprise inspections.hire and fire
when needed of employee's and subs

Skills Used
Iam a real people person have built up good repor with customers .good motivator have 14 years in the wireless
industry. been hand...right hand..foreman ..tower manager .and construction manager ,

tower manager/foreman
smart comm - Grant, MI - January 2013 to November 2013
Day to day duties of crews for lte and aws upgrades .dealt directly with carrier and customer .for day to
day updates.ordering of materal and tools and equipment.ensured of deadlines met.surprise inspections
of crews and subs.timesheets and dailies.built up good repoor with customer and carrier,done pre and
post,sweeps,pims and fiber testing used anritsu L model, kalex pim gear and jdsu fiber testing

foreman and towermanager
spectrum wireless - indpls IN - October 2011 to January 2013
Sprint lte upgrades and tiger team for sprint and at&t lte.tower stacks tower mods with crews of 2 to 4 guys.tower
manager assisted cm and pm asneeded met with customer site walks pre n post walks asigned work to crews
construction and tiger team created punch list, used D and E model anritsu sweep gear and odm fiber tester

foreman tower
stratos communication - Brownsburg, IN - February 2009 to October 2011
Ran 2 to 4 man crews for at&t lte upgrades and Verizon 3rd party inspections for at&t and Verizon, used D
model sweep gear and odm fiber tester
right hand and foreman
t3 wireless - Plainfield, IN - May 2007 to February 2009
Lte upgrades at&t umts colos. tiger team at&t setting e tilts and mec tilts replacing tmas. connectors.dyplexers
and dupluxers and combiners used B and D model sweep gear,and pim gear

tower hand
newlink - Pittsboro, IN - June 2005 to February 2009
Edvo upgrades umts ..revol colos rawlands of SS and MP ...

tower hand
JDH contracting - Plainfield, IN - June 2002 to October 2004
Colos, stacking,final support building and hanging of booms,platform, wind bracing, antennas, tma s, daiplexer,
running coax hard lines and jumpers ect.

Tower Hand
comtech services - Westfield, IN - July 2000 to January 2002
Raw lands,colos,services calls,night cuts, stacked self supporters guyed towers,ran hard lines, built and
dressed out booms, cut in grounds final pics,replaced bad anatannas, jumpers, tmas,ect


Ben Davis high school - indpls IN
1991 to 1994


lte,small cell, aws, umts, gsm, evdo, upgrades, raw lands,colos, beef ups,3rd parties, tiger
team,troubleshooting, fiber testing,sweeps,Pim,low voltage wireing, Telco,res and comm alarms,and
camera systems,, have used anritsu sweep gear,pim gear,and older Pim gear,odm, jdsu fiber testers, man
lifts,scissor lifts,ppc connector tools,jlg, capspin,

Last Resume Update August 26, 2016
Address Indianapolis
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