GMT Service Corp.
(936) 231-2345
GMT Service Corp. is a Utility and Telecom General Contractor specializing in Utilities and Communications site maintenance including: site modifications, upgrades, and decommissioning's. We specialize in difficult security sensitive sites including Rooftops, Airports, and Water Towers. Additionally, we provide fiber-optic and T1 back-haul installation, through the use of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), trenching, plowing and excavation and fiber-jetting.
We serve Texas as well as some adjacent states for larger projects depending on scope, size and distance.Since 1998, we have completed a wide range of communications infrastructure projects for most major cell carriers, smaller cell carriers, tower owners, and the US Government.
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PO Box 2741 Conroe, TX 77305, Texas
PO Box 2741 Conroe, TX 77305, Texas