Experienced Tower Foreman/Climber

Skilled in Anritsu Testing
Skilled in fiber Installation and testing
Knowledge of microwave installation and repair
Skills Dependable independent worker
Keen eye for detail
Prior supervisory experience
Strong organizational skills
ComTrain climbing certified
Excellent plan comprehension
Good mechanical aptitude
Andrews certfiedEmployment History Tower Forman Vinculums Services, Sacramento, CA 04/2012 to 10/2014
Tower Forman/Hand Precision Construction, Pleasanton, CA 01/2010 to 01/2012
Tower Foreman/Hand Green Drake Engineering, Livermore,CA06/2003 to 08/2008
Education High School DipolmaFoothill High School, Sacramento,CA06/2000

Last Resume Update January 15, 2015
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Resume File tower-resume.docx 19.55 kB
Spanish Speaking? No
Willing to Relocate? Yes
Years Experience 11+

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