Risks and Rewards of Being a Tower Climber: A High-Stakes Profession

Tower climbing, while critical to maintaining the infrastructure of our telecommunications and broadcasting systems, is one of the most perilous professions. The primary risk comes from the sheer height at which tower climbers operate. Working hundreds or even thousands of feet above the ground, climbers face the constant danger of falls, which are often fatal […]

Tower Climber Equipment and Prices

Where safety is concerned, no price is too high, but what equipment is really needed? What can you wait on and the biggest question of all, how much will it cost? A lot of companies will either supply the equipment you need to get started or take care of it for you. Some places though, […]

Tower Climbing Hazards

Tower climbing, or cell-tower climbing, is the most dangerous job in America. Between 2003 and 2008 there were 70 job related death in the US, and only 10 reported internationally. While this could make someone wonder about the safety standards in the US, remember that more towers exist in the US, so it is more […]

RF Damage

Aside from slips and falls, RF damage can be one of the most severe dangers to tower climbers. What makes it so risky is that RF waves can not be seen, wearing a properly functioning RF meter greatly reduces the risk of exposure, but even at low levels RF waves can have dramatic effects over […]

The Deadliest Job in the United States

The rapid adoption of mobile communication devices, and the seemingly endless functions they serve, is unprecedented. No other form of technology has grown so rapidly, or become so deeply entrenched in the everyday lives of its users. But the technology that consumers use for mobile communication and computing is only a small part of the […]

Life of a Tower Climber

When people hear that you’re a tower climber, there are usually two things that that job description brings to mind. The first is, “Wow, you must be a serious daredevil.” The second is, “And you must make some serious cash.” Anyone who’s worked on cellular towers can attest to the prevalence of these reactions. “I […]

ComTrain – Certified Tower Climbing Safety

Tower climbing is regularly recognized by various governing bodies, companies, and individuals, as one of the most dangerous occupations that a human can have. Although the work that tower climbers do is essential to the maintenance of our communication systems around the world, the job is certainly not without its risks. For example, in the […]

Dangers to Tower Climbers, and How to Avoid Them

Everyone knows that being a tower climber is a dangerous job. In fact, in many surveys it appears as the top most dangerous job that can be done in the entire world. Of course, this doesn’t stop people from wanting to enter into this career, and loving the job once they are fully trained, but […]