Colonial Teltek
A Colonial TelTek, we like to say that we offer our customers the Triple Advantage:
1. The right parts and products for the job
2. Delivered exactly when and where needed
3. Technical knowledge within reach
This means our customers get the benefits of experienced, highly knowledgeable people, and products that are of the highest quality. This also means that we’ve become very successful, and as a result of this success, we’ve continued to grow.
Currently, we are in the process of furthering our growth, and we are opening up a new branch in Rockville, Maryland, which will be the new stocking location for the Colonial TelTek division. What this means for us and our customers is an expanded sales force, moving farther south and west, allowing more customers to access our parts and products and have access to the Colonial TelTek Triple Advantage.
While we are aiming for a September 1st opening of the new branch, this isn’t our only goal for the near future. We are also planning a complete overhaul of the organization of our business; while keeping everything that works well for us and our clients, we’ll create an even better system of sales, inventory, and delivery, making it even more efficient and cost-effective. Our growth will mean even better service for our customers.
We realize that to be truly successful, you must continuously expand and improve. We’re committed to this continuous improvement, and we’re confident the effects of this will be evident very soon, and for many years to come
201 W. Church Rd. King of Prussia, PA 19406, Pennsylvania