Telecom & Tower Climbing Directory

Hailo LLC

Home » Hailo LLC

The wind power industry is one of the most innovative sectors and has created a dynamic that demands a high degree of flexibility, creativity and resolve on the part of all involved. Only those suppliers who produce cost-cutting solutions fast enough to compete at an international level with top-quality solutions can expect to work with the big manufacturers.

As the inventor of the aluminium ladder in Europe 50 years ago, it was Hailo that introduced ladders to wind turbine towers! Its fall arresters were just as important a contribution as its servicelifts subsequently proved to be as the height of towers increased.

Today, Hailo is the only supplier of quality tower equipment of its class that installs all over the world and is present in all key markets providing support for its customers. With our versatile range of products, we install the right solutions for all applications – onshore, offshore and in lattice towers.

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