Rf Safety Solutions
Phone #: (910) 253-0772
Email: RStrick@RFSafetySolutions.com
Website: www.rfsafetysolutions.com
Worried about antennas on your building’s roof? Concerned about the effects of a nearby AM radio station? Need to ensure the safety of employees and contractors working on your own site? RF Safety Solutions is your solution for each of these problems and more.
RF Safety Solutions is a safety management and scientific consulting firm focused on radio frequency (RF) safety. Whether your main concern is personnel safety, regulatory compliance, or reduction of liability and risk, RF Safety Solutions can help you. RF Safety Solutions has experience and knowledge that goes far beyond the wireless industry. The standards and regulations can be confusing—we can help you make sense of them and make sure you’re safe and compliant.
Categories list: Education and Training
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PO Box 10866 Southport North Carolina 28461, North Carolina
PO Box 10866 Southport North Carolina 28461, North Carolina