Waybest Tower, Inc.
Located in Southern Alberta, Waybest Tower Inc. has been actively involved in all aspects of the tower industry for close to fifty years. Our services include anything from foundation installation, tower assembly and erection, antenna, cabling and lighting systems across Western Canada. We routinely perform turnkey installation services. With Electricians as part of the team, Waybest is involved in electrical diagnostics and repair of lighting systems, sodar and wind energy systems. Service of SCADA, TV, radio and two-way radio systems also form much of the work that we perform on a daily basis. In addition, corrosion protection and analysis, including inspection work, are incorporated into our business. Our employees are highly skilled in all areas of tower installation, rigging, servicing and inspections. Waybest Tower utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and is committed to safety.
1047C 30th St SW Medicine Hat, AB, Canada T1B 3N3