OSHA VPP Trained. His work experience includes site inspection; Project Manager
health and safety; Phase I & II reporting; drilling; well installation; Environmental Resource
Technologies, Puerto Rico
soil; groundwater and sediment sampling; TEA; compliance auditing; (2006 to 2014)
and drinking water and wastewater infrastructure auditing.
Environmental Engineer
Detailed Experience Vincenty, Heres &
Asociados, Puerto Rico
Served as Quality and Environmental, Health and Safety for Raytheon (2004 to 2006)
in Juana Díaz and Vieques. Responsibilities included the following:
Environmental Engineer
- Manage internal and external Federal and Local Agency inspections Environmental Resource
for all compliance programs. Technologies, Puerto Rico
(2002 to 2004)
- Manage and submit monthly pesticide reporting for both sites to
Federal Agencies. Education
MS Masters Environmental
- Conduct site safety meetings with personnel for both sites. Management
- Conduct daily inspection for AED, Fire Extinguisher Stations, First Polytechnic University,
Aide, Hazardous Waste, and Universal Waste. San Juan, Puerto Rico
BA Environmental Engineering
- Conduct spot checks for inventory, equipment, and tools for both
Wentworth Institute of
sites. Technology, Boston, MA
- Conduct annual audit (Infrastructure, SOP/LOP, EHS Plans, Record Licenses
Keeping, and Logistics) for both sites. Certified Environmental
- Conduct Quality Assurance Assessments on inventory, equipment and Safety Compliance
and tools for both sites. Officer Lic. 327448
- Conduct monthly EHS Metrics for both sites. P.R. Wastewater Treatment
- Report monthly status on inspections for equipment, tools and Plant Operator Lic. 3378
safety with Raytheon Site and Regional Managers.
Computer Programs
- Technical EHS Skills (Lockout/Tagout, Fire Protection, Machine Auto CAD R. 2010
Guarding, Hazardous Materials & Hazardous Waste, Regulatory Surfer 8
Permitting and Interaction/Negotiation. Aqtesolv
MS Office R. 2010
- Development and implement OSHA, EPA & DOT Compliance, EHS MMIS Somax R. 10
Served as project engineer for ERTEC at Pesticide Warehouse III Super
Six Sigma Qualified
Fund Site in Manatí. Responsibilities included the following: Specialist
- Plan and execute daily work schedule with Puerto Rico Land 40 Hr. OSHA HAZWOPR
Authority, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Camp 30 Hr. OSHA General
Dresser and Mckee personnel. Industries
- Maintain and discuss Sampling Analysis Plan, Quality Assurance OSHA VPP Trained
Plan and Health and Safety Plan with sampling personnel and third ISOxxx-xxx-xxxx Trained
parties. Root Cause Analysis
Job Hazard Analysis
- Conducted daily site briefing to all sampling personnel and third CPR & First Aid Certified
Spanish Proficient
English Proficientxxx-xxx-xxxx Alejandro Ortiz Fernández
PO Box 191085
San Juan, P.Rxxx-xxx-xxxx
- Project liaison with Puerto Rico Land Authority, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency and Camp Dresser and Mckee personnel.
- Assist in microgravity survey.
- Complete project activities ahead of schedule and on budget.
- Coordinate field activities with sampling personnel.
- Lead weekly meeting with Puerto Rico Land Authority, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency and Camp Dresser and Mckee
personnel on project status.
- Maintain and update project schedule.
- Log modified sampling procedures, field observations and sampling
point locations.
- Supervised and log drilling, sampling, and packaging activities.
- Site Safety Health Officer for the project involved with daily tool
box meeting, safety stand down, maintaining personal protective
Served as project engineer for ERTEC performing various activities at
gasoline stations and private industry. Responsibilities included the
- Site Safety Health Officer for the various projects in the
petrochemical, pharmaceutical and commercial industries.
Implementing and monitoring first aid, personal protective
equipment, tool box meeting, safety stand down and ambient air
- Developed and implement Environmental Health and Safety Plans
for drilling, tank pull outs and excavation activities.
- Write project proposals for pharmaceutical and petroleum industries.
- Write Sampling Analysis Plan for subsurface investigations.
- Developed new Standard Operating Procedures for sampling
- Developed new Job Safety Analysis procedures for subsurface utility
investigation, drilling and sampling.
- Developed new field forms for equipment calibration, groundwater
sampling log and manhole inspection.
- Conduct Phase I EPSA and Phase II Assessments.
- Supervise the injection of Oxygen Release Compound Advanced
(ORC Advanced®), RegenOx® and PetroCleanze® slurry in various
- Install Oxygen Release Compound® socks in two and four inch
monitoring wells.
- Performed groundwater flow analysis using Surfer R. 8 Program.
- Performed hydraulic conductivity analysis using AQTESOLV™ forxxx-xxx-xxxx Alejandro Ortiz Fernández
PO Box 191085
San Juan, P.Rxxx-xxx-xxxx
slug tests.
- Performed utility survey with Schonstedt TraceMaster and
Geophysical Ground Penetrating Radar model SIR-3000 at various
pharmaceutical laboratories and petroleum industries.
- Performed monthly operation and maintenance visits to SVE and Air
Stripper at various service stations in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgins
- Performed HVE (High Vacuum Extraction) every trimester to various
service stations in Puerto Rico.
Served as a project engineer with Vincenty, Heres and Associates
(VHA) on a program for the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority
(PRASA) for the development of Spill Prevention Control and
Countermeasure Plans (SPCC) for 227 facilities in the East Region of
Puerto Rico. Work activities included the following:
- Audit and Document site conditions (i.e. Diesel tank integrity, site
drainage, regulatory compliance and equipment performance).
- Developed SPCC Plans for Sanitary Pumping Stations, Potable
Pump Stations, Wastewater Treatment Plants and Filtration Plants.
Worked, in conjunction with Malcolm Pirnie and Vincenty, Heres and
Lauria (VHL), on a study for the Solid Waste Authority (ADS) for the
evaluation, diagnosis and development of recommendations for the
operating landfills in Puerto Rico. Conducted field inspections of each
one of the operating landfills, recommended alternatives for expansion
and closure, and assessed environmental concerns associated with the
operation of the landfills.
Served as a project engineer with VHL on a program for the Puerto Rico
Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) to audit several infrastructure
systems installed by Ondeo P.R. Included in these audits are the
- Residential and industrial water meters.
- Flow meters for water treatment plants.
- Telemetry stations for wastewater pump stations.
Participated in Phase I with VHL assessment for Coca-Cola Puerto Rico
Bottlers, Inc. to identify significant environmental liabilities for
potential property transaction.
Participated in Phase I with VHL assessment for India Brewery, Inc. to
identify significant environmental liabilities for potential property
Participated with VHL in the Design of a WWTP for V. Suarez & Co.
Last Resume Update | November 14, 2014 |
Address | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Phone Number | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Resume File | Resume_AO_Rev2.pdf 210.36 kB |
Spanish Speaking? | Never |
Willing to Relocate? | Never |
Years Experience | Never |