Seeking an Electrical Engineering Entry Level position to contribute engineering, management, leadership, innovative, improvisational skills and work for growth of the organization
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, GPA: 3.05/4
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, Exp. Graduation:August 2015
Aligarh Muslim University, India GPA: 7.164/10
Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering, Graduation: July 2013
Technical Experience/Knowledge:
Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, Linux
Wireless Technologies & Protocols: GSM, GPRS, EDGE, CDMA, UMTS, LTE
Applications: Microsoft Office, MATLAB
Trace Tool: QXDM, QPST, Wireshark, QCAT
Testing: Protocol testing for wireless devices, Performance, Operator Acceptance, Functional, Load, Stress, UI
Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, Test Central
Work Experience:
Mobile Software Test and Development Engineer (Contractor), June2014 -Present
Tekmark Global Solutions,NJ
Client: Motorola Mobility
•Hands on experience in carrying out Current Drain Tests (using Current Drain header schematic) in the lab on various chipsets of
Motorola devices with R&S CMU200, Agilent 66321D/HP 66312A and NI DAQ for optimization before launching into the market.
•Manually ran different sanity (UI & Platform) test cases like MO/MT calls, SMS,TTY, MMS, Browser, Multimedia etc. on GSM, LTE &
1xRTT/1xEvDO services & their hand-offs; collected & reported logs on finding issues.
•Collected logs via ADB (both wired and wirelessly) and raised CR’s for defects tracking using JIRA and reported using TestCentral
•Used RSDLite tool and ADB for the BOTA package update (for debugging) daily.
•Performed LTE Multimode messaging, WPS, VoLTE, CMAS Conformance & E911 Regression Testing (for VZW) on w2bi system
utilizing eNodeB simulators such as Agilent 8960, R&S CMW500, 6402 Aeroflex to make sure carrier is following the requirement
(using tools like Quikprobe, Wireshark for analysis & QXDM, QPST for RF calibration)
•Experience with Thermal Performance Verification tests using TE 105A Benchtop Half Cube temperature chamber in the lab.
•Experience in using QCAT to analyse different network packet dispatch/retrieval issues and testing for Cyclic Redundancy Check errors
(stress/regression testing) in Motorola phones using Cygwin
•Determined the Co-ordinates & Signal-to-Noise Ratio for Location based services & collected logs using shell scripting.
•Experience in KPI testing using Nitro Phone Fixture set-up, Nitro Android Tool and FlyCapture Tool
•Supported the Product Design Team in integration, comparison & beta testing of features and functionality of CDMA/GSM/LTE
based UE and other accessories as well.
Production Assistant, December 2013- June 2014
IIT Online - Illinois Institute of Technology
•Recorded and Edited lecture videos using Crestron Programmable Controller
•Responsible for classroom equipment troubleshooting
•Worked collaboratively with faculty before, during and after sessions
•Communicated production information to stakeholders timely
Technical Trainee (Internship), July 2012
Doordarshan, New Delhi, India
•Carried out a project of Antenna tracking which involved correction of errors in broadcasted videos throughout the country.
•Correction was done by hours of precise rectification of inclination and declination tracks of parabolic dish antenna using Inclinometer
Industrial Trainee (Internship), June 2011
Indraprastha Power Generation Corporation Limited, New Delhi, India
•Interned at three Power Stations: Pragati Power Station, Gas Turbine Power Station and Rajghat Power Station.
•Assisted senior engineers in monitoring control room data
Graduate Course Work:
•Communication Engineering Fundamentals: AM/FM with noise, digital communication, Source coding, channel modulations, optimum
receiver design, channel encoding
•Random Signal Analysis: Probability theory, Functions and transformations of random variables, Gaussian processes
•Coding for Reliable Communication: Performance of Linear block codes, cyclic codes, BCH codes, convolutional codes, Burst error
correcting codes, Performance of block and convolutional codes in AWGN channel
•Introduction to Networking: OSI Layers, error, congestion and flow control, multiplexing, switching
•Digital & Data Communication: Analysis & Design of digital modulators & detectors, Multiplexing & Multi-access schemes
•Digital Signal Processing: Sampling, Fourier series/transforms, Laplace transforms
•Digital & Data Communication: Methods of Modulation & De-modulation of Complex Analog and Digital Signals
Planning Network:
•Designed a cost effective network for a start-up company consisting of 20 employees and 3 departments divided on two floors
taking future expansion into consideration
Low Density Parity Check and Turbo Codes Simulation:
•Simulated the bit error rate performance of a regular LDPC (Low-density parity-check) code over an additive white Gaussian noise
(AWGN) channel, including encoding and decoding by MATLAB.
•Simulated the bit error rate performance of a convolutional code with different values of the probability of BER in the BSC(Binary
symmetric channel) by MATLAB
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Wind Integration Datasets Comparison:
•Compared and Studied the NREL Eastern and Western Wind energy datasets using MATLAB and Excel
•Comparison was done by plotting 3-year, 10-minute, hourly variations and various error indices of PJM wind speed/power data
Wrist Movement Detection Using Surface Electromyography:
•Determined the best possible movement for data using Electromyograph by Classification & Feature Extraction using MATLAB
•Result can be used for designing a robotic arm for prosthetics
•Sensitivity of 80% was obtained for Flexion using Median Feature
Electricity Usage Monitoring Using Face Recognition Technique
International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering
ISSN: 2250-2459, Volume2, Issue 10, Impact Factor: 1.932
•Programmed ATMEGA 16L was used to control camera which would ultimately detect faces and control the lighting system of a facility
• The scheme presented used a programmed camera instead of sensors which were used earlier. The results showed that this is a cost
effective scheme
Algal Fuel: Hydrogen for fuel cells
Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
ISSN: 2319-2801, Volume1, Issue 2, Impact Factor: 2.015
• Algae were used to light up a laboratory by connecting it to fuel cells.
• The results showed that algae can be used for small scale electricity production because of its Hydrogen producing characteristic,
without any redundant expenditure.
Graduate Member-IEEE
•Member of IEEE for the past 3 years
• Represented IEEE in various events in India
• Held the post of General Secretary and Public Relations Officer under IEEE Student Branch, elected by IEEE USA
• Organized 2 tours to power plants, 4 technical fests
Eta Kappa Nu-Delta Chapter
• One amongst the 8 students chosen from Electrical and Computer Engineering Department to become a member of this esteemed
chapter under IEEE, based on academic achievements
International Students Organization
• Represented as Secretary of the organization
• Responsible for taking notes and passing funding decisions to be forwarded to the University
• Organized 2 tours and a University level festival bringing students from different ethnicities together
Last Resume Update | October 28, 2014 |
Address | United States of America |
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Years Experience | 1 |