
sal ries. y Prepared required reports, ac ording to prescribed procedures. y Order d parts, up lies and equipment from cat logs and sup liers and obtained
them from store o ms. y Executed aily operations of il ube c nter. y Monitored mploye s work lev ls and revi wed work perfo mance. y Counsel d employe s about work- elated is ue and as i ted mploye s to c r ect
job-skil defic encies. Mobil 1 Lube Expres Rochest r, MN
Man ger Februa y 20 5 to October 20 7 y Supervised mploye s, cheduled work hours, esolved conflicts, det rmined
sal ries. y Struct red and maintained a go d work client le.oshua Paul Bento Page 2 y Executed aily operations of il ube c nter. y Cleaned and maintained work area. y Change oil n mot r vehicle, such as light rucks and cars. y Prev ntive hicle mainte ance.
Indy Lube Rochest r, MN
As i tant Man ger June 20 4 to Februa y 20 5 y Trained new employe s in daily operations. y Change oil n mot r vehicles, uch as light rucks and cars. y Supervised and man ged mploye s. y Cleaned and maintained work area. y Prev ntive hicle mainte ance. Adamson Mot rs Rochest r, MN
Lube Tech November 20 3 to January 20 5 y Changed oil n vehicles, uch as light rucks and cars. y Cleaned and maintained work area. y Tire ota ion a d brake jobs. y Prev ntive hicle mainte ance. Piepho Moving and Storage Rochest r, MN
Labore May 20 1 to November 20 3 y Packing house hold go ds and moving furniture. Education:
Plainv ew High Scho l Plainv ew, MN

Last Resume Update December 27, 2014
Address Rochester
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Resume File Joshua-Bentons-Resume.pdf 26.5 kB
Spanish Speaking? Never
Willing to Relocate? Never
Years Experience Never

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