Get Hooked Crane Service
“GET HOOKED CRANE SERVICE continuously strives to provide quality, on-time, and safe service to every Customer.”
This statement is presented to clarify to everyone; customers and employees alike, the most compelling advantage a customer will gain by doing business with GET HOOKED CRANE and its employees. What does GET HOOKED do that puts the company head and shoulders above our competitors? What are our strengths?
There are two most important things that separate us from our competitors: the quality of our employees and safety before price.
We will always conduct ourselves as professionals and will always be courteous to our customers. The customer’s well being should always be our focus. Our equipment is kept in safe working order and presented to our customers in professional, tip-top working condition.
Secondly, from job-sizing to service price quotes to billing; from on-time service to standards of safety, our customers should never be mislead. If we are going to be late for a job we will call our customers and tell them. If we cannot do a customer’s job safely we will tell them. We will never charge our customer more than what was agreed to. If dropping our prices means sacrificing any of these service standards, then we will not drop prices. Our customers can always rely on us. Each employee should take every opportunity to enthusiastically tell our customers about the quality and reliability of our operators, our equipment, and our service people.
Remember, GET HOOKED’s statement of business is what will trigger our name to come up in our customer’s mind whenever they think about our service. Every GET HOOKED employee should believe in and use this statement of business. They should make it a part of everything they do in their efforts of service to our customers. Everyone who is a member of this organization should believe in and live up to their company’s statement of business. Nothing else is acceptable.
43759 15th St West #505 Lancaster, CA 93551, California