REMTronix Inc
Headquartered in Dallas, GA, rf Services was founded in 1977 by Mike and Gayle Bentley and was incorporated in 1985. Today we are proud to be the Vertex Standard distributor in GA, AL, MS, TN, FL, AR & LA. We have programs and offerings that can make each customer’s business profitable and run smoothly. rf Services attends all local and national trade shows to stay abreast in the latest developments in the wireless communications industry. Our customers will have access to the finest engineers in our product mix along with over 100 years of combined experience within our company. We look forward to the future challenges facing our industry and servicing our dealer base.
We offer services such as base station and mobile duplexer tuning and installation, radio refurbishing kits, custom cut cable runs, cable termination with any style connector, radio programming of Vertex Standard related equipment as well as transferring programming data from any manufacturer’s radio to a Vertex Standard radio (where possible). We provide on site sales and technical training to our dealers as well as trade show assistance on a regular basis.
We are always trying to improve the way we serve our customers and welcome all comments and suggestions. In closing, we would like to say 'thank you' to the many accounts that have made us successful over the years.
442 Cadillac Parkway, Dallas, GA 30157, United States 30157